I wanted the flesh of my daemon prince to really give the impression of a creature rife with disease and capable of shaking off the most grievous wounds, all the while maintaining a vibrancy that would make it stand out. I am pretty happy with the results so far, though it took some serious layers of paint to acheive this effect.
The first thing I did was prime the model black, then I primed it again white but from mostly top and side angles (no spraying the underside).
Next, I generously coated all of the flesh areas and wings with Snot Green (evergreen for Folk Art) and then washed that HEAVILY with Thraka Green. Allow the model to dry completely.
Next I drybrushed Snakebite Leather (Teddy Bear Tan in Folk Art) over all the light areas previously painted snot green. Then I washed all of that Heavily again with Delvan Mudd and allowed it to dry fully.
At this point I was very happy with the layers of various colors in the flesh and the overall look of it screamed Plague! The only problem was how dark it was. The depth obscured some details, so I drybrushed an equal mix of Snakebite and Snot with a dab of Warlock Purple an the lightly drybrushed the high areas. This looked good, but there was still something missing
This is when I got out a small drybrush and busted out the Leviathan Purple wash and lighty washed the webbing between the wing bones and lightly again over all the flesh of the torso and hands.
After this, I used Blood red to color in all the damage on the wings and drybrushed Tentacle Pink in over the red for a meaty effect. I will continue this by lightly washing those areas with Baal Red and will probably leave it at that.
There is still a lot of work to do as you can tell from the photos I have started some of it, but have a LONG way to go. I plan to give the armour the look of the pre-Heresy Death Guard colors and hopefully the Prince will be done tomarrow ... the base is another story. Enjoy the photos and all feed back is welcome and appreciated as usual.
Looks awesome, I'm using the same wings for a Nurgle DP conversion I'm doing at the moment.