I prefer to play around 1750 as this lets me experiment with variations of my army in the common tournament points value and allows me to create a standard 'take all comers' list to take out all the time as many of the people I know also play 1750.
After a recent 400 point tourney, I realized that I also enjoy the smaller games because at that point value anything cam happen and the things we don't expect to see come from the enemy can and will happen at this value and every model's performance counts.
So how do you roll? Do you go for tactical expertise at 1500 or 1000? Do you go for the full might of your forces at 2000? Let's here what you like to play.
Generally speaking, I play at 1500. Sometimes I'll play at lower points values for doubles, or if someone only has a small list.
ReplyDeleteI like smaller games, you can get more games in and they're a bit more strategic. 750 or 1000 points is good.
ReplyDeleteI prefer larger games as the dice play less effect. (More dice and more rolls = more likelihood of statistical norm.) As most of the tournaments I play in are 1750, that's the size we typically favor as default.
ReplyDelete1850 for me.
ReplyDeleteI think 1500 is as low as you can go and get a balanced list.
At 1,000 and lower, you start needing house rules and/or gentleman's agreements on what you run, as someone COULD run 2x LRC in a marine list, and that would simply dominate a large chunk of armies out there. Plus, lucky dice rolls play a huge role in the smaller games.
Additionally, there are simply some strategies that WILL NOT WORK in lower points levels; double land raider, for example, is more of a gimmick of 'I bet you can't kill AV14 twice' than an army. at 1500, you can get double raiders with TH/SS terminators, but it's still nigh on impossible to really support. (LRC w/ Melta + 5 TH/SS guys is 460; two of those is 920; two tac squads with rhinos costs you a minimum of 205 each; leaves you with 170; add in 100 for an HQ and you have an amazing 70 points to 'customize' with.)
The smaller games let you get more rounds in, and I think they're good for learning about some of the basic troops. However, I still don't think they fully expose you to the game's intracicies. Besides, at 1,000 some armies don't have much room after their basics. Necrons, for example, have 180pt minimal troops choices and a 100pt HQ, so the basic Force Org chart costs them 460 to fill. Not like they needed to get that hurt already...
I'm with Dverning on the dice thing; the larger the game is the less likely you are to get robbed by bad dice. I mean, it still happens, but it's rarer.
For standard missions I prefer 1850-2000. However since we do more city fight than anything in my group we keep it around the 1250 mark.
ReplyDelete1500 for me althought I'm tempted by 1750
ReplyDelete1500... 1000 lately though as I'm building forces. anything UNDER 1000 gets a little wonky for me. I'm also tempted by 1750. see what all teh fuss is about..