Its a week away. Ard boyz semifinals. I've been tossing and turning with my list and the minor adjustments and I think I've settled and wanted to probe our readers for some input.
My list focuses on the missions. The first being VP spreads my points out well with my highest point single target is a leman russ, not an easy nut to crack. After that, my opponent will only be able to net 100-130 from single targets. IG doesn't typically have a big death star type unit so its not a huge surprise to my opponent.

For mission 3, you really can't predict what you're goal is, but I'd prefer terrain features, VP and KP in that order. VP is the same as mission one and terrain is the same as Mission 2. KP is the only weakness of the list but as a long time guard player I'm used to it and can deal. Being the final mission it really can
screw people because they can't make up for a bad roll on the mission type.
So here is the list.

CCS melta x4 chimera HF
Vets melta x3 demo chimera HF
Vets melta x3 chimera HF
Vets melta x3 chimera HF
Vets melta x3 chimera HF
Vets melta x3 chimera HF
PCS flamer x3 chimera HF
IS flamer x1 chimera HF
IS flamer x1 chimera HF
IS flamer x1 chimera HF
IS flamer x1 chimera HF
Leman Russ Executioner Plasma cannon sponsons
Leman Russ Executioner Plasma cannon sponsons

So my sleepless nights have been caused by a few things:
#1 no more stubbers. In order to maximize my scoring units and vehicles I had to dump the stubbers. Its 110 points to put the stubbers on and are really great for a torrent of low power fire. Moving and shooting 6 up to 36" shoots is pretty silly.
#2 Hydraflaks or Manticore. Hydraflaks are going to be great vs DE, but they'd be a squadron and easily killed I feel. I hate squadrons, destroyed on an immobilized is a ridiculous trade off.
#3 Executioner x3 or Manitcore. This is my big one. I'd lose a scoring unit, but get a third executioner. They're more resilient than the manitcore but I'd lose that long range.

#4 Pysker Battle squad. I'm not using one just because I feel like there is a ton of proteciton out there. Hoods are a pain because PBS is Ld9 and hoods are on Ld 10 things so they're pretty good at shutting the PBS down. After that Rune priests are every where, Grey knights have the Aegis so I'm testing on Ld 8. The only real death star unit I fear is typically packed with a chaplain or fearless so it wouldn't matter or thunder wolves which I can deal with with shooting.
I feel pretty set in my list but I want to reach out for some input. The units I have are ones I'm used to playing with and very comfortable with and I've pretty much talked myself out of changing my list but still wanted a second pair of eyes to look at the list.
I think hydraflaks would be your best best bet. Stops turbo boosting vehicles in thier tracks and adds even more torrent of fire. Have u considered a collossus? It adds a great bit of cover breaking firepower for very cheap.
ReplyDeleteI don't think you'll have too much problem with orks using this list, Chris. They just lack reliable anti-armor without assaulting. You can them follow up with those flamers.
I would go with the manticores. Its a major threat and should lure anti tank units. Hydras are ok but lack the real punch of the Manticore. combine that with the two plasmacutioners and you have some good mid and long range coverage, with the heavy weapon teams covering targets or opportunity.
ReplyDeleteHaving short, mid and long range coverage gives you some very wicked overlapping fields of fire. Smaller armies will have a hard time dealing with that much punishment. You also have redundant lines of fire so if one gets taken out you have two more to cope with the loss.
Well as an ork player who will probably see you there, be warry of someone (like ME) using Mad Dok Grotsnik linked to Snikrot's Kommandos...that will put a mean STR 10 PK and STR 6 Snikrot in your parking lot (from any board edge) probably on turn 2 for a nice multicharge on your support assetts. Also, 4 or 5 battlewagons with deffrolla protected by KFF may very well ride right over your Chimera lot in the center on Mission 2 (going all reserves to preserve till the dok arrives. Bubble wrap is advised.....
ReplyDeleteLooks like me and my BA won't be able to make it to the semis. So you won't have to worry about me beating up on your army again :o)
ReplyDeleteGood luck!
I like the manticore better than the 3rd leman russ but I'm typically a fan of toolbox armies that give you more options. The hydras are great but I think you've got enough anti-vehicle already built into your list.
ReplyDeleteI'd really love a toolbox army, but guard's scoring units are so weak that they need the numbers to keep them in the game. It could definitely be more shooty, but we'll see how life goes for the guard. I really appreciate all the feed back I got here and through email. I really wish I had time to squeeze a test game in with you Paul but school is just relentlessly beating my face in this semester.