Sunday, December 5, 2010

Monster Monday Banner!

Old School here with another banner from the contest. Monday belong's to Daniel from Colors and Eagles This banner really strokes our egos as it included a giant Super Daemon painted by our own CVinton on comission to one of our local players (deathbringer). This banner will fly at the top of our blog for the next 24 hours just for you, Daniel. Feedback is of course welcome for this great peice of work.


  1. I really did like this one, but it was just slightly to bare bones. Mainly because it -is- personal to the blog with our own artwork on display, along with a good font and a slogan.

  2. Thanks for this guys, it's a great idea and I'm very grateful for the mention. However, my blog is called Colours and Eagles. Once again, thank you!

  3. Dammit, I had banners on the brain, sorry, Dan.

  4. That's ok mate :D. Thanks for showing my banner.
