With the completion of my Nurgle Daemon Prince for my Death Guard, I decided to revamp my Iron Warriors Slaanesh DP from my old 40k'd Fantasy Prince to a newer DP (the fellow with the buzz saw arm). This project started to take shape (though there is much work to do and much inner debate over whether to give him mechanical wings or some kind of Super Raptor Jumppack), but then a distraction ... in the quest to bust the duldrums of the current Chaos Dex (curse you gav!) I read the book Salamander and decided to purchase the parts for a Salamander army.
Cool right? No, this requires funds, so the old primed Thousand Sons who have not seen the light of day since 4th Ed. became the prime candidates for a little stimulus. I am currently finishing 2 squads of them, a Terminator Sorceror and a small Termicide squad to sell. Thank god I am almost finished with that.
So it would seem that there is a light at the end of the tunnel? No, I also have a couple of dream projects that are begging to be done, though they will be of little use on the table top ... such as the Greater Plague Daemon, a couple stray (though useful Oblitz and of course what Salamanders hobbyist can resist the old biker captain on a Carnosaur job! Dammit, even more projects! Oh yeah and that soesn't count the re-vamp Belial for my old Deathwing army.
So now what do I do? Set priorities! I need to get these damn 1k Sons out of the way, so those are this week's project. Then, the Greater Plague Daemon will help re-energize me from the burden of painting so many little Rubrics ... then I go to New York City for a week ... once I return, I plan to build and paint Belial (this will effectively close-out my Death Guard, 1k Sons and Death Wing). Next, I plan to push through the conversion of the Iron Warriors Slaaneshi DP (by then I should have a clue as to what I am doing). With him finished I will get on with the Salamanders project, which will include some pretty extensive conversions from plasticard flames on vehicles to Dragon cape wearing loyalists!
So, with that being said, there is a lot of great stuff to look forward to from Dark Future Games and that is without mentioning the rehab of Captain Obvious's Dark Eldar models and the completion of his Master-Crafted Templar army ... or Erik the Homeless's budding Ork Battle Wagon boyz ... and anything bad ass that I can find from fellow hobbyists from Evolution Games! So stay tuned and hopefully we can all get through this together!
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