Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Dark Future Games Has Moved


Dear Blogging Brethren and readers. DFG has been reborn and relocated to another platform. DFG has its own domain and platform now. I started this blog painting with markers and I honestly didn't know there was a such thing as plastic glue ... for the whole first year. The community is what made this blog what it was and it's what brought it back after I took DFG with me to Instagram as a personal hobby account. The community and elevating our hobbies is going to be the focus of the new blog home. I am going to show people how to build better looking armies, where to find bits and parts, who to follow and where to see amazing minis every day. This was a great place. We had some incredible authors. Some of the best friends I have ever had wore this logo on their shirts and I am proud to have been a part of that. Thank you all for the great times we have had together on this platform. I am in a position to help promote the incredible art that surrounds miniature wargaming and that's what I am to do. See you at our new home. It's small now, but it will grow. Count on it. 

Signing out,

TJ Atwell

"Old School Terminator" 

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Helloween: Lord Of Skulls/ Imperial Knight Kitbash: It's NOT a Kytan damn you!

Look, I already know what you are saying: "TJ shut up, bro, it's a Kytan." and you'd probably be right, which is why I am posting these blue-tac fittings to get some advice from the creative souls on the blogosphere (well, for those of us left).

Monday, October 8, 2018

Helloween 2018 AOS Project: Shaggoth Magmadroth Conversion!

A friend/ client commissioned me to make a Realm of Fire based Shaggoth conversion. He picked out the Gargant and the Magmadroth kits and told me to go for it. So With that guidance and a request to use a "huge fricken axe," I went at it. This was a lot of fun to build and I want to share it with you. The steps I took are below:

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Space Wolf Primaris Hellblaster Conversions, Kitbashes that will make you howl

TJ here with a quick post to show off some Space Wolf Primaris Hellblaster conversions I did on commission for a friend. It was fun and quick and I think it did the trick!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Mutalith Vortex Beast Converted from a Ghorgon/ Cygor Kit

When I was building my Tzaangor, the Mutalith kit was out of stock at GW, so I made my own out of an old Ghorgon kit from AOS that I had laying in the bits box. Basically, I wanted him to be a big Tzaangor! Let's take a look at him!

Monday, September 17, 2018

Magnus the Red: Converted and Painted!

I have Magnus here painted and converted. Yes, the background is a little busy, but I am happy with the model overall.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Simple Tzaangor Conversions from Acolytes of Tzeentch

One of the best bangs for your buck when getting into either Thousand Sons or Disciples of Tzeentch is to pick up the Changecult box. In either game, Acolytes are pretty worthless, so let's make them into Tzaangor with a super easy conversion.