Sunday, January 2, 2011

What's in a Name? What's Behind the Blog Handle?

Old School here ... ever wonder where some folks get their blog handles? So do I. There are obvious ones, like Awesome Paintjob's Les Bursley (his name) and then there are ones that are just strange, like 3++'s Abuse Puppy (hopefully, not his real name).

With that said, the origins of Old School Terminator lay in a few purchases I made on Ebay ...
... a few years ago. I was selling minis on Ebay all the time and buying low priced or badly painted lots to strip and resell for a better price. For some reason I had always held onto the really old Space Marine Terminators like the Rogue Trader ones with the lightning bolts on the knees and chest, but one day, I won a lot of 67 of them. When I did a final count, I discovered I owned 121 Old School Terminators.

At that point, I decided to just get rid of them, since I had already collected all the plastic termies I would need for a Death Wing army. I put them up online at a rate of about 15 terminators a week, stretching out the lots to sell the torsos seperate from the arms in lots of five. About 5 weeks into selling them, I took a break. I got a panicked message from a guy who said, "Your the Old School Terminator guy right? Do you have anymore?" I loved it and changed my blog handle.

Well, I know that wasn't super exiting or even funny, for that matter, but since I told you ... what's the secret behind your blog handle? Is it too sercret to talk about? Your real name, lol? Or is there some hilarious reason for it? I am all ears.


  1. In the book Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck tells Tom Sawyer a ridiculous idea for breaking Jim out of slavery. Tom calls him a "Muggins". This has been my handle ever since I read that in high school

  2. Mine is a variation of my real last name. It's hardly used as a name anymore (most of them have been modernized) and it's Gaelic so that makes it automatically sound Elvish/Eldarish.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I am a robot sent from the future to paradoxically save humanity from itself by destroying it. My real name and screen name are one in the same.

  5. I usually tend to explain the complete obvious. Hence the name. But we all knew that. See i just did it right there.

  6. Skarvald the Troll-faced, eh.
    Well, it is the name I gave to my Wolf Lord on a Thunderwolf model. He's my HQ.. The name Skarvald comes from one of the bosses in Utgarde Keep in World of Warcraft. And "Troll-faced". Well, figure it out yourself..

  7. Lord Solar Macharius is where I dredge my name from, mainly because before the new codex came out I played him a lot for fun. That combined with my first name makes it what is is.

  8. I have in the past gone as just plain Karandras as I was kind of a lurker on the web back in its early days. I tread the path of the Seer now so I changed it to SeerKarandras and now just SeerK for short, easier to say and rolls out nicely. Plus I have been an Eldar freak since 2nd edition.

  9. I am keeping my secret until I get 100 followers! Please follow if you want to find out what IDICBeer is about!-)

  10. It's from a book I read a while back and really enjoyed. Furthermore people often mistake me for a Greek priest (must be the beard) so it kinda makes it funny. It's been my nickname for my band for a while now before I decided to use it at various forums and my blog for a handle.

  11. I just thought up this my name when making my Blog. It seemed original and stuck so it stays. Plus I'm infamously unlucky at my local club and I only play Xenos armies. Hence Luckless Xenos.

  12. To be honest... I don't know where mine came from.

  13. Same here, although my normal screen name for online gaming and the like is SpeedyFrenchy.

  14. I love mythology and have an affinity for brutal lightning storms.

  15. Short for Ghost in the machine... A favorite artist, great story, and play on the internet anonymity idea, played a rogue in an EQ uberguild for several years, longtime rogue player in rpgs etc. More to it but you get the idea..

  16. Mine I'm afraid is my first initial and half of my last name and has absolutely no special meaning beyond that.
    Unfortunately that's what I'm known as on a variety of forums now so it's too late to change it to something more memorable like 'Sex McAwesome'...

  17. I want to change my name......I will now be referred to as McGlovin the Irish r&b singer

  18. Great stuff from the Obvious to the mysterious (IDIC). Thanks for all the feedback so far everyone. As far as McLovin' goes, I wanted to change my name to Shakesbeard after seeing Due Date - those of you who have seen it know about the famous pirate ... hilarious!

  19. Mine was a Shadowrun character - a PhysAd follower of the old norse gods. Vogrin was the result of some websearching and some mix-and-matching when I was looking for a pseudo-norse name.

    The character was short lived, but I had been using it for LAN Starcraft games, so the handle stuck.

  20. mine comes from a canadian television show called "trailer park boys" prolly one of the funniest shows ever created

  21. I am related to the elusive jackalope, a horned rabbit. That and I have bunnies....

  22. R3con I was using the tag Recon but when I got into the original xbox live beta it was taken, thus the 3.

    2nd_Force_Reconnaissance_Company/Bn depending on the year

  23. I think I made mine for a tournament, where it was members of a forum going.. and just stuck with it since.

  24. I had had a nick for a long time, over ten years, so I felt it was time for a new one. We were playing Team Fortress 2 and since I am a fan of Futurama and Bender I went with his bearded look-a-like Flexo.

    Shortly after that I ended up in Warhammer online and what better character to play than the Orcs? So I felt I needed to orkify my nick and I liked it even better that way. And it fits well with Warhammer :)

    Warboss Flekkzo

  25. Our blog and commenting name popped up after we found ourselves developing a taste for usernames that can be used anywhere. You know instead of adding numbers every time someone else got to it first...

    They're our initials. It's not meant to be something you can say, although we think it rolls off the tongue reasonably easily...

  26. The 'D' comes from this:

    I guess I would be the zeroth member of the Deep Eyes squad. Originally it was DeepZero back in 97, then dzero when it was taken in some video game I wanted to play, then dzer0 when that was taken on Xbox live and it has been ever since.
