Saturday, October 23, 2010

T Sons Sorcerer joins the Black Crusade!

Old School here and it is shaping up to be another 14th Black Crusade weekend at the casa. I just painted this Chaos Sorcerer this morning. it was a bit of a repaint from its days as a tson sorceror. here he is ready to serve the webmaster in the role of librarian, sorcerer or rune priest. I am working on another, plastic sorcerer this weekend, painting the forge world Khorne lord and a few other things. hopefully Big Jim remembers the DREADCLAW templates. if he does I will whip up a part two to the DREADCLAW post soon.

I have more photos of this sorcerer that were meant to show off the freehand eye of uprising, but the Droid macro was not agreeing with me. I know it isn't super exiting as all it is is just a new paint on an old model, bit I'd love to hear what you think. more on the way, guys!


  1. He is suitably Black Legion, I like it.

    I will be going over to get those Templates sometime tomorrow. I should have them up by Monday at the latest.


  2. Thanks again Jim, you are an evil gentleman and scholar lol.

  3. I would have used NMM, but it looks ok...for something you did...and it being chaos

  4. This photo actually sucks now that I can see it on my computer and not on my phone. Ugh. I think I'll do an article on the capabilities of the droid Evo for the modern gamer.

    NMM - yeah, you would have except this little guy is a repaint and he will likely be inside a rhino most games regardless of what he counts as. He is also my junior varsity benchrider sorc. The real sorcs will be coming soon and made of plastic ... I'd reply to the something you did comment, but you've obviously been hiding your work from the rest of the world lately for a reason ;)
