Monday, September 6, 2010

Your Favorite Conversion, Post Your Links!

Old School here asking you what your favorite conversion is that you have made. It doesn't have to be a masterpeice, it doesn't even have to be finished, but if you have ever converted something that just speaks to you, then we'd love to see it. So, whether, you've hidden it away on your photobucket, buried it in a forum project log or if you posted it to your own blog so long ago, post a link to it in the comments here and show it off again - afterall, it's Labor Day, so let's dee your labors of love!
My favorite two are my Brass Scorpion (My first Vehicle conversion) and the Tower of Skulls project I recently completed. The scorpion was something I completed while recovering from a surgery and nearly put me back into the hospital when I cut halfway through my thumb! Remember - pain medication and modelling don't mix - but they do make wonderful conversions!
The Tower is one of my favorites because it was a hug project and I wasn't sure if I had what it took to pull it off. I remember sitting back and saying "How the hell am I going to do the cannon?" then "Where the hell am I going to get all those skulls?" It was a real test for me to build and when it was done, I knew that there was nothing I couldn't convert.
So, now the ball is in your court; post a link and a description about what it is and why it is your favorite!


  1. You should use linkytools for this type of thing. My wife recently did on here blog and you get can get thumbnails and such.

    My personal best though weak by comparison to most stuff you see are my Deathwing Special Characters:

    Belial and the Apothecary

    They came out just the way I wanted them to look.

  2. You posted your Tower!? Nowai! =P Love your other conversions as well.

    Since I hate painting, I really only have one 100% completed conversion, so I guess my Necron Lord is my favorite:

    Digging all the links so far. Keep them coming!

  3. masterpieces, not finished: brass scorpion and tower of skulls!

  4. My dreadnought, emperor's champion, and terminator squad for by Crimson Fists:

  5. Wow, what a great bunch of links so far! You guys have some great conversions, everything from over the top crazy stuff to subtle, inspiring conversions! Thank you for posting!

  6. you couldn't have waited for me to be done with my wolf lord?! Damn you!

  7. I figured you would post him when you were ready. If you hadn't sent me photos already, I wouldn't even believe he was real. the "Magic Wolf Lord"

  8. Leviathan
