Monday, May 24, 2010

Dark Future Games First Tournament! End of Times Team Tourney!

Old School here with a special team tournament announcement for 40k players in the Mid West! Evolution Games in Lansing Michigan is hosting the first ever tournament organized by Dark Future Games; The END of Days Team Tournament!
I know most folks from the blogosphere could care less about a tourney in Michigan, but we do have a decent audience from our local area and it is rather exiting that the blog is hosting its first tourney!
The rules are a little crazy and the idea is to get folks exited to play and to give tham a tourney where that they can talk about for months to follow! The rules are as follows:
Each Team member brings 1000 points to the team (you pick your team mate before the tourney) and both lists have to be from seperate codexes (no guard + guard teams ect). The End Times are desperate times where you seldom get to choose who fights beside you as Alien, Imperial and Sevants of the Dark Gods heed the call to destruction!
Each team mate must have 1 HQ and 1 troop choice filled from their codex.
This is where it gets nuts! Each Team member may choose 1 unit to fill an appropriate FOC chart that is from any codex BESIDES the ones composing their team - so you might see Space Marines fighting beside Orks with a unit of Bloodthirster and Sly Marbo ON THE SAME TEAM! (ALL MUST HEED THE CALL TO WAR!)
There will be no non-battle related comp scores, though good sportsmanship and paintjobs are encouraged.
All lists must be submitted to DarkFutureGames(at) (just replace the (at) with @ - or in person at Evolution Games no later than Wednesday August 18.
The tournament will be held Saturday, August 21 at Noon. Each team's entry will be $10 and entry fees will go toward prize support - so the more folks show up, the bigger the booty!
The fate of the End Times are at Stake, so grab a team mate, make some list, playtest and come on in for the brawl of a lifetime!
If there are any tournament questions from potential participants, e-mail them to Dark Future Games and we will develop a small, non-intrusive FAQ by June 30.
All feedback from the Blog Community is welcome, so lets hear it!


  1. sadly whilst this seems like a fun idea there are some combos that will MURDER all opposition ( sang priest/ nids :O

  2. Weigh it out against the other possibilities and you will see there is plenty of room for crazy scenarios. Also take into account that if a units powers specifically state that they only effect certain units (eldar psychic powers) then that is all they will effect - sorry no fortuned daemons ;)

  3. This is also why we are building a FAQ, so the more what if questions the better ... and no, it will not have tons of updates OR make tons of changes to core rules like some tourneys ... this is meant to be fun and memorable and while we expect nasty stuff ... we welcome it, we think there are TONS of nasty possibilities out there. So many in fact, that you cannot possibly prepare for all of them, which means that anything can happen and the idea of take all comers takes a whole new meaning! If it ends up sucking, just blame me, OLS ... but I think the participants will have a ton of fun and will get to field stuff they have probably shelved for a long time.
    BTW another nasty combo is sanguinary priests + Noise Marines OR Doom + psycher battle squad OR well, you get the point.

  4. Oh Boy here we go. Well i have a team mate already and a theme

    The ancients :-)

    Humanity must be purged before the 3 enemies of old can decide the fate of humanity :-)

  5. A wolf lord with 30 rough riders...hmmmm

  6. I want to know if "your army" or "Unit in your army" would also include you're non-codex unit you pick and/or your teammates units. Also, is there any way we'll be knowing the missions and format of the tournament.

  7. The FAQ comes out June 30th and there are already great questions pouring into Keep the questions coming and I will keep generating answers in the FAQ.
    As far as missions go, I am finalizing the mission and scenario plans so as not to incite the kind of flaming seen at the recent Ard Boys scenarios.

  8. so i have alot of questions for your faq...
    1. are conversions and non-GW mini's allowed if based right... 2. does doom of M effect embarked 3. rules for resolving manticore shooting 4. can you claim cover/area terrain from vibro cannons 5. things that don't have models what is appropriate size/ base? 6. when you say 1 unit from another codex, does this include dedicated transport as part of that unit/ retinue / IG platoons... 7. say i am playing IG and take a ork battle wagon can i put IG guys in it? 8. for the one unit i can take do i have to meet restrictions such as assassins requiring an inquisitor in the army? 9. if i have deamons and drop pods or to groups with with drop pods, or those types of rules how do they effect each other? 10. how do units like fateweaver's deamon codex's power which says affects "all friendly units" 11. does an autarch and master of the fleet stack 12. can ind characters from other armies join units... ex calgar leading an ork mob... 13. can i use the any force org slot for a WMD 14. if forge world units allowed, i guesss thats it for now

  9. Great questions and I am adding them to the FAQ and will do the research to have the best thought out answers available when the FAQ drops June 30. One thing I can tell you is that there will be no IA rules at this tourney simply due to the massive headache, lack of printed rules for me to peruse and consider FAQ for ahead of time and the occassional game-breaking factor that can be percieved about IA from some players. Thank you for the questions and look for that FAQ June 30.

  10. Reposted at

    I can tell you I'll probibly be there as well as many of our club members, this looks like a insane amount of fun.

    And I totally expect to run into alot of broken stuff. Though if its all in the name of a good time then who cares.

  11. Was that FAQ only on June 30th?

    Darn.... must've missed it.
