Just to round off the Daemon Prince section of my Chaos Space Marine Units and Tactics articles, I bring you the Unmarked Daemon Prince! Be on the lookout for upcoming Lord and Sorceror articles!
For those who wish to go undedicated, the Prince is still a considerable choice for a Chaos Space Marine Army. His Movement, CC capability, Eternal Warrior and tendancy to draw fire make him a valuable friend to have. He still has access to the psychic powers and can offer a level of support most non-dedicated armies lack in their general composition.
What to give the Unmarked Prince: The unmarked Prince like the other Prince options, benefits massively from the extra movement gained by taking wings and as always, I wholeheartedly recommend them if you plan to take this HQ choice.
Psychic Powers: The unmarked Prince does not have access to the god-specific spells, but that doesn't mean he is limited by that lack of choice. This Prince really can be effective with either Warptime or Wind of Chaos (I know, I am starting to sound like a broken record, but these really are the best two powers for this Prince).
Warptime will make him much more efficient than the Khorne Prince and will give him the ability to better supplement your infantry's fighting ability in CC. It also makes him much more effective at taking out vehicles, especially those that have moved. Just don't forget that you have to roll for it at the beginning of the turn (a common mistake that the enemy will laugh at you for).
Wind of Chaos is another power that can really help your infantry out as he will be able to killed massed infantry (especially those who disembark to rapid fire) and to take away the cover save of those who would hide in cover. This is also often enough damage to allow him to mop up most basic infantry in assault as well, but if you are using the Prince to counter walkers, pop vehicles and to kill MCs, then Warptime is often the better choice.
Stick to cover: To get your Prince where he needs to be (up close), you will have to follow the basic tactic of stiking behind your advancing transports or have him advance behind cover as the opponent will likely try to take your prince out.
Overall, I generall y recommend the unmarked Prince over the Khorne Prince, but other than that, unless you have fluff reasons holding you back, why not add a mark. The Mark of Slaanesh is just 5 points and gives you I5, combine that with WT as mentioned in a previous article and have fun beating down character units or use their mark to buy them a different power. If you are going to take a Prince, then you should take the options that make him optimal or at least optimal for the list you plan to run or the fluff you intend for your army.
Daemon Princes as a whole are a lot of fun and can be a force multiplier in your army, but don't think that they are the only viable options for HQs in our army. As the articles continue, I will discuss the Lord and Sorceror unit to their fullest as well as the named characters. For now, happy hunting and, of course, feedback is always welcome!
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