Simply Amazing! That's all I can say about it really. The Plague hulk model is sick and it's special rules can be found here http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/pdf/plaguehulk.pdf
It is described as;
"Ungainly and sickening to look upon, Plague Hulks stagger into battle on corroded metal limbs, their engines giving off a shroud of reeking vapours and pestilent fog, poisoning the very ground they walk over. The Plague Hulk’s mechanical chassis supports a seething corpulent mass of putrescent daemon-flesh, at the centre of which sits a gaping maw capable of vomiting a tide of unspeakable foulness that can rot flesh and corrode metal. One of the thing’s fleshy arms is fused with an arcane canon that belches out shells so befouled with ichor and infection, that a mere scratch from their impregnated daemon-bone fragments will immediately and agonisingly fester into a crippling injury. Like many other daemon engines, these decaying monsters also possess massively powerful limbs able to smash through the strongest armour with ease, and Plague Hulks are often encountered wielding gigantic cleaver blades or huge rusted flails to smash and batter their foes. Worse yet for any who are brave or foolhardy enough to stand against a Plague Hulk in close quarters, they must first endure clouds of flesh-searing poison before attacking the bloated machine-thing."
"Ungainly and sickening to look upon, Plague Hulks stagger into battle on corroded metal limbs, their engines giving off a shroud of reeking vapours and pestilent fog, poisoning the very ground they walk over. The Plague Hulk’s mechanical chassis supports a seething corpulent mass of putrescent daemon-flesh, at the centre of which sits a gaping maw capable of vomiting a tide of unspeakable foulness that can rot flesh and corrode metal. One of the thing’s fleshy arms is fused with an arcane canon that belches out shells so befouled with ichor and infection, that a mere scratch from their impregnated daemon-bone fragments will immediately and agonisingly fester into a crippling injury. Like many other daemon engines, these decaying monsters also possess massively powerful limbs able to smash through the strongest armour with ease, and Plague Hulks are often encountered wielding gigantic cleaver blades or huge rusted flails to smash and batter their foes. Worse yet for any who are brave or foolhardy enough to stand against a Plague Hulk in close quarters, they must first endure clouds of flesh-searing poison before attacking the bloated machine-thing."
You have got to check out the rules PDF and the additional photos. You will not be dissapointed. http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/plaguehulk.htm
Though I have not found any rules, there is also a new weapon soon to available for the Khorne Daemon Engine. The Impaler. Also pictured here http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/impaler.htm
Finally, they have also produced a Tau XV 9 battlesuit which looks like an anime version of the big robot from Robocop (all guns and badassery) Check out the experimental rules here http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/pdf/xv9.pdf
The only thing I question about the XV-9 is why the wargear options are more expensive for the suit versus the XV-8, though I do have to admit that defensive grenades on a battlesuit is a really great idea.
The thing I like about the Hulk and the Battle Suit especially, is that they may be IA rules, but they actually make sense points-wise and they aren't exactly too broken. Enjoy the links and photos!
I don't think defensive grenades will save the 'Hazard' suite. I'd venture to say that the drones are more costly because you can sacrifice them to get away from a sweeping advance. A couple guys take drone controllers, and you can absorb some hits and/or get away from an assault you lose.
ReplyDeleteI understand the drone controller, even though I don't think S5 T5 gives a commander any reason to throw a suit into assault, but a 2 point raise to Black Sun Filter and a 5 point bump to the shield generator? That's just cold blooded.