
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Garage Wars! Battle report Chaos vs Dark Eldar!

Hey guys, the photos are in chronological order. I wanted to put text between each one, but blogger seems to disable the ability for viewers to open the photos to make them larger when I do this. If anyone can help with that let me know. Other than that enjoy the battle report.
"The warp trembles around the city, what manner of man or beast approaches, Iron Warrior?" said Ghorst, Daemon Prince of the Death Guard Legion as he scanned the horizon, taking note of the flitting shadows over the freshly ruined city. The smell of burning flesh and fresh disease was intoxicating, but Ghorst could still feel the presence of something ...
"Neither man nor beast approaches, brother. They feel familiar, yes, their souls echo the birthcry of the Dark Prince ... we will suffer the presence of the Dark Eldar this night."
A sharp cry pierced the approaching night and a small drew across the cracked, bleeding mass that was once Ghorst's lips. "They shall be the ones to suffer, brother, ready your obliterator cult."
We often play garage games around here when we feel the need to try new units and tactics or when we want to try a proxied unit before we throw down cash on it. This battle report is a tale of such a battle. Enjoy.
I took a list pretty close to what I usually field but with a few tweaks
DAemon Prince - Wings, Mark of Slaanesh, Lash
Daemon Prince - Wings, Warptime, Mark of Nurgle
5 Chosen in rhino with 3 meltas and 2 flamers
3 squads of 7 plague Marines all in rhinos, 2 squads with 1 melta, 1 flamer, 1 squad with 2 meltas
3 Oblitz
3 Oblitz
2 Oblitz
Captain Obvious took:
Archon – Agonizer, Shadowfield, Combat Drugs, Splinter Pistol
4 Incubi, Drazhar, Raider, Scaling Nets
Wych Drachite – Combat Drugs, Agonizer, Splinter Pistol, Trophy Rack
8 Man Raider Squad, Blaster, Splinter Cannon, Raider Scaling Nets
8 Man Raider Squad, Blaster, Splinter Cannon, Raider Scaling Nets
10 Man Warrior Squad, Dark Lance, Dark Lance
10 Man Warrior Squad, Dark Lance, Dark Lance
9 Wyches w/ Weapons, (Succubus – Agonizer, Plasma Grenades)
Raider, Scaling Nets
9 Wyches w/ Weapons, (Succubus – Agonizer, Plasma Grenades)
Raider, Scaling Nets
5 Warp Beasts w/ Beast Master
Ravanger - Dark Lance x3
I rolled first turn and took it then we ended up with a two objective take and hold mission and the dreaded Dawn of War deployment. The first turn was completely uneventful as I decided to stay off the board. C.O. brought on a squad of warriors with 2 dark lances in a building and a squad in the open with 2 dark lances to threaten my probable entry point.
Turn 2, I came on mostly behins a building and used rhinoes to deny easy access to my objective. I lashed and plasma templated the warriors in the open and they died quickly, but other than that I had nothing to do. On his side of the turn he decided to come on and light my world up with 15 Dark Lance Shots! Most of his shots were hits but most either failed to wound or failed to penetrate. Other than that, his turn was over.
Turn 3 brought my reserve 2 man squad of oblitz into play behind his objective and my chosen outflanked there as well. This lead to 7 warriors fried by flamers. My other oblit squads managed to down a raider and destroy a ravager much to my relief. Even better, my Lash Prince managed to push a Talos back 10 inches. His side of this turn involved missing with even more dark lances and charging the deepstruck oblitz with his Archon's squad (a relief to me as I didn't want that squad on my objective). He also crept a little closer with his other Talos and his Warp Beasts.
Turn 4, I lashed his other Talos away and I think I brought down another raider, but other than that, I was biding my time, waiting for his assault. I also got my chosen back in their rhino and around the corner of his building trying to avois being killed by his HQ squad. On his side of this turn he brought a full-out assault to my doorstep, but rolled terribly on a difficult terrain test for his beasts and bottlenecking a squad of warriors near one of my rhinos. He did mange to break through with a raider behind my objective and assaulted my obliterators, who managed to roll a hand full of invulnerable saves.
Turn 5 saw a squad of Plague Marines fry nearly all of his warp beasts, my lash prince send a Talos away once again and a counter charge by my plaguers into the Obliterator combat, also joined by the Nurgle Prince, making short work of those witches. My rhino creeped around the building some more just hoping to stay alive so the chosen could contest. His side of this turn only saw him trying to take dark lance pop shots and run his Taloses back into threat range, but the game ended there.
I think Captain Obvious brought a decent list to the battle, but rolling like crap killed him. He had 15 dark lances and never so much as weapon destroyed a rhino and he also has terrible cover saves, invul saves ect. ect. The bad thing for me is that he managed to have that wych raider parked just a c***hair within 3" of my objective, bringing us to a draw.
We managed to play another game with a few different units and tactics, but we didn't take picture. He continued to roll badly, but managed to overload my objective leasing to another draw. On a side note, I also tested my Salamander list (army under construction) vs Eric's Ork tankwall and managed to pull a win out in a very good game of 40k.
I hope you enjoyed the Batrep! As always, feedback is welcome! Perhaps you have a terrible dice story or an amazing one.
Also, if anyone knows how to post the photos AND put text between each one without losing the ability to click on them and make them larger, please let me know!

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