
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What's the point? Where is Dark Future Going?

Those of you who check us out often may be asking yourself why we are posting so many tactical discussions or why sometimes we take stuff from forums or things from other sites.
The answer is that we at Dark Future Games eat, sleep, breathe, dream and deficate this hobby and with that we LOVE painting, we Love modelling and We seriously Love converting and we talk about and discuss those things almost non-stop. It doesn't help that 2 of us work in the same building. We also enjoy being competitive on the board, but without all the talk of 'powergaming' because afterall we like to have fun and since we own A TON of models, we like to try diverse lists, so we also talk Tactics and possible tactics and what if this or that happened.
That being said, right now we are building a tactical library for some of the article us writers don't run with and we do that by aggregating articles from the best sources, just as a news site actually takes news from a variety of sources and plugs it in for their viewers to see as well.
By no means does this mean all you will recieve from us is tactical articles. Far from it! We intend to keep bringing you photos of works in progress, conversions, our painting work as well as some of the mind-blowing stuff we come across.
Over time, I plan to bring on a couple more writers with various armies in their backrounds and skills with a knife and brush and I also plan to start running video with the objective being to benefit the hobby as a whole as much as we can from our garages, desks and FLGSs.
If there is anything you would like to see here more often that you don't, let us know. We are all ears.

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