
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Culler's How to Build an Ork Army 4: Da Boyz

As promised, more from Culler's How to Build an Ork Army Tactica.




Boyz:-If they’re in a transport, they’re better of as slugga boyz, especially if they’re in a trukk because the trukk is liable to die at any moment and you want to get them out asap (only point in shootas in a transport is to stay inside and shoot.) I’ve seen shootas in battlewagons and that works alright too.If the boyz are walking, they are generally better off wielding shootas. This allows them to be within effective striking distance a turn earlier, sometimes two, gives them a way to deal with dedicated CC units that isn’t playing to those units’ strengths, and takes very little away from their CC ability. They will still stomp most units into the pavement. It is sometimes also useful to take a mix of slugga boy mobs and shoota boy mobs if you’re going green tide to cater to your opponent’s units’ weaknesses (a 2 shoota mob to 1 slugga mob ratio is good.)


-Always put a nob with power klaw in with your mobs. I recommend a bosspole too. The power klaw is generally very tough for your opponent to ferret out and is a lifesaver against models with good saves, T4 and multiple wounds, high toughness models, and vehicles. A big choppa doesn’t really do much that the boyz mob couldn’t already do.


-‘Ard boyz are almost never worth it except in transports where space is limited so paying for overly expensive upgrades isn’t a bad plan. The fact that the 4+ armor save costs almost as much as another Ork boy makes it really not worthwhile most of the time. Sometimes a big unit of boyz with 4+ armor is really nice for holding up against berserkers and the like in CC so you don’t lose combat as hard. 10 berserkers assaulting a unit of boyz can wipe it out with few casualties if they don’t have something making them a little tougher.


-Stikkbombz are never worth it for boyz. You still strike after marines even with the charge and imperial guard and tau aren’t going to put up much of a fight in CC.


-Rokkits are also pretty much never worth it for boyz. You want your boyz to be running towards the enemy or shooting infantry in the shooting phase and using rokkits as anti-tank weapons prevents both of those for the chance to fire a few shots, most of which will miss. You’re paying a premium in points to prevent your mob from doing what they’re good at to do something they’re terrible at. Just not worth it. Powerklaws work great for taking out vehicles. Big shootas are a nice addition to shoota mobs (place them near the back to make the make the most out of their range) but rarely needed for slugga mobs who will generally be running and may not shoot altogether for fear of the enemy sacrificing models that will prevent you charging.


-Boyz mobs are always the backbone of any Ork army. They’re versatile and tough, don’t skimp on them.


Gretchin: Best taken with as few runtherds as possible (19 gretchin and 1 runtherd is optimal IMO). They’re probably the best objective holders in the game for their points against shooting, but have little firepower and tear like wet paper in CC as they’re going to lose combat by a ton and get mowed down as they flee. A unit of 20 models with 4+ cover saves (if you stick them in cover) is crazy for 67 points though.

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