
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Thunder Punch; The After Glow


I want to start by saying that.  I'm not being funny or gloating.  There was nothing to gloat about today.  I thought this list would be fun and get some laughs but it resulted in neither.  On top of that, it just sucked battle points from people and generated a lot of ties.  So, because of that I wholeheartedly apologize to anyone that I played and anyone that has ever had to play against anyone with a list like this.

A while back goatboy or someone on BoLs wrote about the responsibility you have to provide a fun game to your opponent.  I did not do that today.  Thunderpunch was funny and cute on paper, to me, but on the table it just generated a lot of *sigh*.  The only saving grace I had was that I know I'm a laid back fun player and understood I was basically playing a total douche list within 2 turns of playing this list.  I really tried to make up for the list, but in the end I know I was the WAAC kid there and I feel like shit about it.

So Thunderpuch (I don't even find that name funny anymore) is officially shelved.  Never again will it see play. I was going to do a write up in detail but there is nothing to be proud about with this list, so I'll just give the short; Tau- killed everything but a hammerhead.  Necrons- killed everything but a lord and douche canoe.  Necron- killed everything.  I still only finished 5/15 because I didn't have any scoring troops and all I did was cause those players to get knocked out of any hope of winning (and the first necron player, Alex, is a great player with an awesome attitude that usually saw at least top three).

Now I ask, what have I learned?  Think about your list.  Even if it's fun for you, think hard about your list.  You have every right to play some super-tuned list but is that really the kind of person you are?  I know I'm not the kid that brings 16 thunder wolves to a beer-and-pretzels kind of store, but today I was, and its easily the worst I've ever felt after a tourny and a pretty dark day in my 15 year 40k life.  But I learned something....

....And in the words of a true space wolf; I recognize my failing and will be sure to correct it.


  1. Wow! this was not the post I was expecting, I thought it was going to be a real fun post with some great fun reports, after all with no scoring troops and just having to go for the table does sound like fun, but like you say, fun for who!

    1. I have pictures but I stopped taking them because it felt like I was taking smut pictures of someones dead loved one while sayiing "Oh yeah, hold that pose! Oh perfect! Yeah, look painful, ooohhh good grimice!"

      It really hit me on the second round guy, Alex. I got first turn assault because he lined up with his wraiths on the edge of the circle so when I was on the opposite the distance is only 20-21" which I cleared to punch his wraiths on one side and douche canoe on the other. It was like watching the aftermath of Katrina after that.

  2. btw, is there any chance I could get on your very long Blog roll please?

  3. Sorry to hear that you didnt enjoy yourself. Other than the fact you were disappointed. Your army looked great and it was a pleasure meeting you in person.

    Dont be too hard on yourself. You do alot for the gaming community already. I can honestly say there arent many players who would admit the things that you do.

    1. Thanks. I enjoyed myself because I love this hobby and anytime I'm bathing in the nerdom I love it. I think that's why I was/am so hard on myself about this. I want everyone else to feel as great as I do when I'm around this hobby.

      We live and learn. I'm not throwing in the towel, I just want everyone to learn from my mistake and even if you don't take cruel lists just think about your opponent's side of things. Sure its a competative game but at the same time your opponent is trusting you with their 2-3 hours (which in many people's case is all the time they get a week to play) to provide a fun game. Even if it's a pick up game or a tournament, as a player you shoulder that responsibility even if you feel as if it's not your problem.

  4. Yeah ... I hoped people would somehow beat the TWolves down, but I feared that all you would do is hurt other peoples' chances with a list that couldn't place ... you live and you learn, man, now bust out your Crons and start over at the next event!

    1. Like Xzandrate points out, I really didn't get any bad match up's. I was expecting someone to have a GK list that just force weaponed me into oblivion or some venom spam just pumping out poison shots. I got three armies that are cc-lol.

      Crons are a sure thing. Painted and played from now on.

  5. The list was a beautifully themed list, I loved the concept and have wanted to do it myself. But it's the same as alot of themed lists, it may perform well or even overly well in some cases but the theme usually limits it from being the best list.

    In this case the lack of scoring meant you were going in knowing you weren't the WAAC guy and basically had to table guys to win. If you were WAAC, a single unit of 5 grey hunters would likely have won you the tournie.

    It was a VERY movement and CC heavy list that fought 2 armybooks that hardly even know what CC is, if you had a BA, DE wychcult, or even GK list in that sampling it wouldn't have been quite as bad I suspect.

    I'd give it a try against a more balanced army, or even a slightly more CC army and see how it works before you shelf the army. You can't feel bad for poor matchups.

    1. OST and I talked and you're very right. throwing in 5 bare bone grey hunters would have pushed me to WAAC. At least I could keep a shred of honor by saying it was super theme. Canis leading a bunch of thunderwolves and fenrisian wolves. Perfect theme score.

      I'm still going to shelf the army. Its a cool looking theme army that pushed me up to having like 7k points of painted space wolves so I'm happy with that. Apoc here I come!

  6. Well, he's right about it ruining other's chances by tying a lot. The annoyance factor for his foe is the problem, though. We all know TWC can take forever to break, dues to ahving better armor/saves than their Bloodcrusher counterparts.

    I cringe facing 5 with a twc lord and fenrisian wolf 'drone shields' attached. Seeing a whole list of them...ugh. That would be like seeing x6 30 slugga boyz across the table in a two hour match. Sure it might win, if you can get past turn 2 movement... Glad tos ee he knows enough to shelve them.

    1. To be honest the matches could have worked for people. I really wanted the tau player to lower my ld via marker and just tank shock me off the board. And Alex just set up bad, otherwise he would have hurt me back. There was one point when all my wolves were locked in b2b and he could have gotten his lord with mindshackles on the thunderhammer which would have insta killed his buddies.

      I think its just that the list isn't ever faced in mass like that. Generally people's tactic is to just avoid them or through disposable units at the twolves. No one has ever had to truely come to terms with needing to kill them...because there isn't usually nothing else to kill but twolves. :)

  7. It takes a big man to make an admission like that. Kudos to you Old School.

    1. That was CVinton ... I never admit my mistakes ;)

    2. Thanks. I appreciate that. Its ironic to say you're humble...because that doesn't sound humble, but I consider myself pretty humble and willing to admit to my mistakes so that I and others can learn from them.

      It comes from my medical background. We really push for disclosure now so that instead of sweeping mistakes under the rug, we own up to them so the community can learn from them so they never happen again. This is my open disclosure to help better the community by example.
