
Friday, May 11, 2012

Necron Royal Court with Nemesor Zahndrekh and Vanguard Obyron

CVnton with a quick photo dump to start off your morning.  Necron Royal Court with Nemesor Zahndrekh and Vanguard Obyron

I missed getting this in the week 2 round up, so I figured you guys might like a little pink necron with your morning coffee.  If you haven't seen the round up, check it out.  If you have...moving along then...

What started as a joke turned into a pretty cool color scheme for the Necrons.  The lighter colors play out well together and that really keeps me motivated to keep painting them.  That and they're not power armor!

Obyron is in such an awesomely static but still threatening pose.  I never gave the character a really shot when I was looking at the codex the first time but not that I'm moving into my sophomore year status with necrons I'm really wanting to just steal the Necron Kindomcon list and make it work.  I think aside form lack-luster troops (3x5-6 warriors squads) Its a super deadly list.  And yeah, I said the same thing about lychguard being crap...but played like that list wants them to be played and suddenly your opponent is going to have some serious problems.  

I also magnetized the two taller bases.  That way if anyone complains about the height, I can stick them on a normal base, as well as that I use them for my douche canoe lords when they're not running around flippin' tanks.  

Zahndrekh's stink eye ability is awesome.  No roll, no check, no just happens.  Thats what I love about Necrons.  They are dependable.  No "Oh if only you would have failed that save and your ork mob lost furious charge!"  Zahndrekh just throws out the ol' stink eye and bam, 30 ork boyz aint so cool.  

To me, the model is in a funny pose.  I like to think of him doing the dance from the totally appropriate Arab Money video. We getting Necron Money!

And the court.  Chronometron cypteks.  Again, I never gave them an honest shake but seroiusly?  Reroll one d6 per phase?  Not player turn or game turn...phase, PER PHASE.  Oh you failed your ld check, you  deep striked and scattered 9 inches into mishap, Obyron didn't stand back up, immoteks night fight turned off....oh, nvm.

For the staff I replaced the fine cast one because it was all bent and droopy, of course.  Poor necrons suffer a lot of erectile dysfunction on their IC's.  

I used the new 'dry' paints on the pink and on the staff.  They're pretty legit.  As I've told everyone locally, the biggest thing I like about them is that it's hard to over do your dry brushing using the new 'dry' paints.  Unlike before, you would have to make sure and test your paint was properly wiped off the brush and sometimes if you didn't you'd end up putting a layer of paint on instead of a dry brush.  Also, it tended to be inconsistent; sometimes I would have a heavy dry brush; sometimes not.  With the new drys, I just dab the tip of my brush in, dab it on my desk and then dry brush on the model.  They're really  super user friendly and the finished product looks nice.


  1. Obyron is a -sick- model CVinton, I cannot wait to see these guys in person. They look amazing. Everytime i see your stuff expecially when you are inspired by both the game mechanics and the painting, it lends me inspiration to start my own work even more!

  2. Those look amazing!!! (apologies for the excess exclamation marks). Definitely the nicest looking Necrons I've seen, period.

    I'm insterested in your thoughts on the Dry compounds as although they do seem useful, I've yet to hear someone say good things about them till now. I may have to look to picking some up to try if you really think they are that useful.

  3. Looks fantastic, man! Darn it I'm trying to avoid picking up a necron army, and you're not helping! :)

    Keep up the great work!

  4. Lovely stuff. They somehow manage to make pink look menacing.

  5. Really really awesome. Great paint scheme too.

  6. LD is two d6 it lets you re-roll one d6. At least if GW stays with the same mentality that they did for the wolf banners in our FAQ.

    1. A wolf banner is different in that it allows you to reroll results of "1" When you roll LD it can never be a total of "1" because you are adding the dice together.

  7. Very cool models, I dig the light colors and they look far more impressive then I would have thought. I also really enjoy the bases are you planning on doing the entire army on taller bases? Also do you think it will be annoying in game to have the taller bases?

    1. I'm just doing the court and important characters on the scibor bases. as far as the tall ones, I've already knocked them over a lot so I'll have to be more concious of that. I don't see the whole army being on tall bases, if nothing else but the fact that it'd be horrid to try and transport that in trays! :)

  8. Thanks everyone for the positive comments. I can't wait either for the army to be complete. Time to assembly line some spyders...

  9. Just a quick question, I'm just getting started with Necrons, and when I tried to look up "Necron Kindomcon list" referanced above, I couldn't find anything - what is it?
