
Monday, May 14, 2012

Join the Dark Future Games Network

Old School here to announce that DFG will begin hosting multiple blog rolls and step out as a blog network. It is a natural growth considering we have been helping promote other bloggers and hobbyists for years. Now we plan to push the message to the masses - this is for everyone who ever started a blog because they felt they had something to show or something to say - we want to use our 40,000+ views a month to help you! Here is how to get on board, trust me it's simple:

Step 1: Follow Dark Future Games
Step 2: Add Dark Future Games to your blog roll
Step 3: Send an E-mail to with a link to your blog (and a little about yourselves never hurt either). Use the Subject Line: DFG Blog Roll.
Step 4: Done.

How do you stay on board?

Step 1: Post regularly - More than once a month
Step 2: Maintain at least 60% + of your content related to 40k, Fantasy or Forge World stuff in any combination of competitive talk, casual gaming, modelling, painting, converting ect ... we like it all!
Step 3: That's pretty much it really.

We will begin posting the additional blog rolls this week and next week. It will be first come first serve, regardless of how big/ small you are or whether or not you blog about 40k or Fantasy.

We will not require a widget like others do (not that there is anything wrong with that), but if you insist, feel free to use our new logo, designed by Eye of Error's Lucky No. 5.

We hope this helps some folks out and fills a gap in some of the networking out there. Also being a member of the network will have some benefits that I will reveal next week, but until then, I will welcome those of you who join to the dark future!