Friday, June 21, 2013

13th Company Space Wolves.

After almost a year from really painting anything I loved, I found my passion again.  The 13th company is my true love after my childhood love of the ultramarine bikes.  For the past year I've bounced around from one-night-stand codex releases to 3 month flings, never filling that void in my heart that the abandoned 13th company left.  They're the girl that got away that I'm not letting get away.

I talked with TJ awhile back and we came up with a term; Old Man Slippers.  I'm putting my old man slippers on.  I've had my run with tournaments and competitive play and I think my apathy is not doing what I love anymore.  I have no muse.  The good new, however, is that I have only a half painted space wolves army and huge plans for organizing the hobby and bringing it together.  More Nucky, less Jimmy.  More Tywin Lannister, less Rob Stark.  

So last night I broke the seal and finished my last long fang missile squad.  Enjoy and expect more to come (I mean it this time)


  1. They look great! I really like the bases and faces.

  2. Nice, I've always thought your space wolves were your best army.

  3. Great to see a return to the best army in the world - nothing is ever as good as a Space Wolf :D

  4. Always great to hear someone playing the army they love over whats the next best thing

  5. It's ABOUT TIME! ;) I joke...kinda. Honestly man, this is great news, and if I get the wife's approval to come up for the Michigan GT, we've got to play a game. My Centurions versus your 13th Company :)

    On a more serious note, this is what the hobby is all about, and you bringing yourself back to what you love is only going to make this a more fulfilling hobby for you in all aspects.

  6. Thanks for the support guys. I'm really looking forward to enjoying playing again and having a more relaxed beer and pretzels part of the game. I just got too wrapped in this world and need to just take a step back and see where I get more enjoyment; Playing with a beautiful army that my heart is into and growing the hobby or playing with the new smash face and being 'that guy'... I think the choice is pretty simple...

    1. Too bad I plan on having these guys smashed underfoot by my rotting legions...
      I'll shoot you a buzz about this weekend!

  7. Also, to plug Secret weapon, those are the bone field bases. I love them.

  8. Maybe you are just getting a little "long in the tooth" to be running around with cheap floozies anymore. Or maybe no one knows how to party quite like the gang from Fenris? Either way, good call. So much hobby character there!

  9. I think "long in the tooth" is the perfect description. Its hard on the internet to not sound full of myself, but with as much humility as can be attached to saying something like this, I think I'm just more interested in mentoring than winning.

    1. No, that is a great way to look at it! I wish there were more people with that attitude in my area. I might have made the extra effort to keep up with the gaming side of the hobby ;) I'll come back but my hobby is limited by family so for now I choose paint over play.

    2. There are a lot more people like you than you'd think...

  10. I think this type of article/thought/action is infectious. Maybe this will inspire others to get back to a "good place" in their game/hobby.

    1. You are absolutely right. Even more so if you play someone who you can tell is absolutely in love with his army. I've been in the situation where I'm almost rooting against myself because they other players so-so list he has painted and converted extensively, and played through 2 editions, is making a valiant effort against my hard list with grey models from the latest codex.

      Those kinds of things you think about well after the game. And it has changed my mindset and focus. I want to be that guy that is having a great time with a great personalized army, and I'm taking steps to do so.
