This tourney is designed to be fun and to provide the participants with the kind of stories that will last a lifetime. If you think this is too much and it will be horrible, then you don't have to show up - it's not for everyone. For those who do wish to show up, we have tons of tables and you can register between now and Friday either at Evolution Games in Lansing or through E-mail at DarkFutureGames@gmail.com All you have to do is send you and your partners names, lists and Team name to us or give them to Larry at Evo. We prefer to have the lists BEFORE the tourney so we spend less time tourney day worrying about checking the lists, but if for some reason, you just can't get your lists in, we will take them up until 11:30 am Saturday.
It costs $10 a team to play and all the cash goes to prize support! We are anticipating 16+ teams, so there will be at LEAST $160 at stake in prizes! The more the merrier!
Aside from the tournament, there will be a couple of Raffles. The biggest Raffle of the day will be the 50/50 raffle. If you have never done a 50/50 raffle, it goes like this; Anyone can buy raffle tickets for it. At the end of the day, the amount of raffle money that went into the 50/50 through ticket sales is raffled off, the winner keeps half and the store keeps the other half. So, if the store raised $300 in the raffle, the winner gets $150. The rest goes to store terrain, store improvements and prize support.
For those of you who are too lazy to click your way to the FAQ, I will repost it below. Here it is:
End of Days tournament FAQ
This FAQ is designed to answer some of the basic questions that have come up since the announcement of the Tournament back in May. This FAQ is designed to supplement the current FAQ rulings available on Games Workshop’s Web site and of course the codices and Big Red Rulebook! Remember that the golden rule is to have fun and to make sure both you and your opponent are having a good time.
Q. When taking the optional units from a separate codex, may I also take the unit’s dedicated transport if available? If not, then can units from different codexes ride in different vehicles?
A. No, you may not take the dedicated transport, but unless it states in the unit’s entry that they cannot ride in vehicles (lesser daemons ect.), then units may ride in any friendly transport on the field with the following exceptions:
1. Monstrous Creatures may never use a transport.
2. If the vehicle normally may only transport 25mm based models, then they may only transport those models. If a model is capable of transporting 40mm bases, then they count as two models for the purpose of transport (same as they would in a Land Raider or Ork Trukk).
3. Models with jump packs and jump infantry may only ride in transports that allow jump infantry such as the Storm Raven.
Q. “How do psychic powers work when shared across different armies? Example: Can Eldrad Uthwe cast fortune on Daemons?”
A. It is important to read your codex entry for this one as it applies not only to psychic powers, but also to other effects and powers. If your codex says in the entry for a psychic power that it can only be used on a certain army type, then that is how it will work in the End of Days. Example: Fortune in the Eldar codex states “Nominate 1 Eldar unit within 6” According to this ruling, only an Eldar unit may be targeted by and benefit from Fortune. – And no, Dark Eldar don’t count as Eldar for this purpose, nice try though!
The same goes for things like Monoliths. A monolith may only transport Necrons according to the wording of its entry – though it otherwise would function normally.
Q. What about Necrons? Can any Necron units be taken as the OTHER CODEX units and if so, wouldn’t they just phase out?
A. For the purposes of being able to field those units of Necrons and including them as viable choices in the End of Days, individual units of Necrons bought as additional units by armies fielding separate codexes will not phase out – However, armies composed of Necrons will still be subject to the phase out rule.
Q. How do allies work for Guard, are they going to be normal per The rules set forth in the printed Inquisition rules or are they going to be gone as in the PDF rules?
The End of Days are desperate times indeed, as such, Guard, Daemon Hunters and Witch Hunters may take their allies per the rules in the printed codices BEFORE selecting their separate End of Days units.
Example – I am a guard player and want to take an Inquisitor Lord. After picking my compulsory Guard HQ and then the Inquisitor Lord, I may then take a unit of Ork boyz or whatever the separate codex unit is I wish to take!
Q. How loose are the rules for actual models being WYSIWYG? Can I bring heavily modified or converted models to the tourney under the condition that they count as something else? “IE, I don’t want to own any Tyranids models, but I want to run the Doom of Malan’tai. Since I am an Ork player, I wanted to run a Weirdboy instead; is this possible?”
A. The rule on stand-ins is simple. To make it easy for everyone, your stand-in model or conversion should be on the same size base and should be roughly as tall and as wide as the original model. For the example, the Doom of Malan’Tai is a form of Zoanthrope, thus your wierdboy for this tournament should be on a 40mm base and either raised up on some rocks or maybe hovering. This makes it fair and lends itself to a cool conversion idea. If all else fails, buy a zoanthrope!
The second half of this answer concerns WYSIWYG. If a model is supposed to be armed with an autocannon, but you have him armed with a missile launcher, you are violating WYSIWYG, If he is supposed to be wearing a jump pack and you have him wearing a regular pack, you are violating WYSIWYG. – However we will not be so evil as to say that grenades must be modeled AND if your codex entry gives you bolters, bolt pistols and close combat
Q. There are a number of models that do not exist right now that have rules in the GW codexes, like the Storm Raven, Thunderwolf Cavalry, Tyrannofexes, Tervigons ect. What base size should those be?
A. Look, the purpose of this tourney is to have fun and I would hate for people to spend the whole tournament getting bent out of shape about base size and stuff like that. I can also see the point in setting a standard so that there are no shenanigans like “Hey this dire wolf on the 25mm base is a Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf, FEAR ME!” The key is to use common sense. Here is the baseline set of rules for the models that don’t exist:
Thunderwolf cav – bike base minimal, 60mm base max.
Tyrranofex, Tervigon, Harpy – 60mm base minimal, Large Oval Base max
Daemon Chariots – Chariot Bases period.Storm Raven – Given its transport capacity, a valkery is a good stand in model and should be a decent representation for size (just imagine the assault ramp on the front). There will be no rhinos on flying stands representing the Storm Raven and any Storm Raven conversions will be mounted on the valkery base and stand and the model will be subject to the rules for close combat and debarkation set forth by the Imp Guard FAQ, with the exception of the fact that it is an assault vehicle.
Once again the key to this thing's success is that everyone comes to have fun and enjoy the atmosphere and the gameplay. We already have confirmed a few folks from outside of the Lansing area so this is a great opportunity to network and meet folks interested in the hobby from all over the area! If you have any questions, please e-mail us or post a comment!
Just found out I've got a babies first birth day to attend....damn being old, and damn responsibilities.
ReplyDeleteDon't feel bad. I missed adepticon because of baby being born.
ReplyDeleteCVinton: We told you there would be a Doctor or two there... sheesh... she could have had the kid right in the middle of the team tourny! That would have been awesome!
ReplyDeleteR3con: Its only the first birthday.... the baby wont remember
Just kidding both of you. To bad man was hoping to see you there.
LoL true the kid wont remember, but the Kids parents, who are friends, will.