Old School here with a real treat from the other side of the world (well, at least for me). I was chatting on Heresy the other day when an armylist from a fellow named Angel of Hope (George) posted his winning list from the semi-annual GT for Greece. I decided to ask him for an interview as it isn't too often that GT winners talk about lists with the world.
As I glanced over the list, I saw many of the things you would expect from a Chaos GT list, but then I realized it was actually a themed list and then after seeing the pictures, the theme was even cooler and better! Enough of my talk, have a read through the interview with George, who was gracious enough to answer my question:
1. What was your army list for the GT?
Greek GTs are highly competitive, will all sorts of "cheesy" army lists, so a participant must be prepared for anything. That includes Jetbike Seer Councils, Nob Bikers, Valkyrie rushes, Double Lashes, Dreadnought Drop spams, and many many more dirty tricks. So, I needed something to counter all those nasty things other players could throw at me, making every single unit count. No "point fillers" here. Here is the list:
Daemon Prince, Wings, Mark of Slaanesh, Lash of Submission
Daemon Prince, Wings, Mark of Slaanesh, Lash of Submission
5x Noise Marines + 1 Noise Champion, 2 Sonic Blasters, Champion: Doom Siren, Power Weapon, Melta Bombs-Rhino w/ Daemonic Possession, Havoc Launcher
5x Noise Marines + 1 Noise Champion, 2 Sonic Blasters, Champion: Doom Siren, Power Weapon, Melta Bombs-Rhino w/ Daemonic Possession, Havoc Launcher
5x Noise Marines + 1 Noise Champion, Sonic Blaster, Blastmaster, Champion: Doom Siren, Power Weapon, Melta Bombs-Rhino w/ Havoc Launcher
3x Obliterators
3x Obliterators.
3 Obliterators
2.How long have you been playing 40k?
I started in 1998, age 13 with a Khorne-Nurgle themed Chaos Space Marines army. Since then, I have been a faithful follower of Chaos for nearly 12 years!
3. What made you decide to play all Slaanesh? Do you normally run Slaaneshi themed armies?
Well, it is going to sound very funny, even geek-ish, but that's how it happened: Upon the release of the current Chaos Codex in 2007, I was so disappointed that Games Workshop removed all the Legion-specific armies, and stopped playing. In February 2009, I saw some figure in my sleep, wearing a helmet like the Slaanesh Lord of Warhammer(!). It was weird, because I had no contact with the game for those 2 years, so a couple of days later, I was walking by the local Fantasy Shop (the biggest GW dealer in Greece and hosts of the GT), and that was it. I got back into 40K again. Slaanesh did it (hahahaha)! So, I made a full Slaanesh List. I guess the dream was prophetic, hahaha! Other than that, I just found it a little frustrating to use Khorne Berzerkers along with Slaaneshi HQ... It just doesn't feel right, they would ignore the enemy and slaughter each other!
4. What armies did you play against, what were the missions?
Battle 1: vs Imperial Guard (Seize Ground -5 Objectives-, Pitched Battle). I won 2-1, with -23 VPs.
Battle 2: vs Eldar (Capture and Control, Spearhead). I won 2-0, with (approx.) +700 VPs.
Battle 3: vs Dark Angels (Anihilation, Dawn of War). I won 8-0, with +1637 VPs
5. Which army was the biggest challange for you to fight?
The Eldar. Their vehicles won't blow up! And they are so fast, getting cover saves most of the time, last-minute contesting your objective, forcing you to roll 3D6 for psychic powers, getting all those rerolls, a huge headache! Thank God, a single Noise Marine and 2 Obliterators stood firm on the enemy Objective and secured my foothold, as he had a Falcon contesting my Objective. I managed to Immobilize it on Turned 5 and assault it on Turn 6 with 6 Obliterators, destroying it, giving me a 2-0 Victory! I never thought I would ever score a 2-0 Capture & Control Victory against Eldar!
6. Any funny stories from the GT table-top?
Yes! Well, my final battle was against Dark Angels (Deathwing), and my own army is Fallen Dark Angels-Themed, so we are talking about a fluffy event!I recall staring at his hand when he was about to roll Dangerous Terrain for his Land Raider. I stared, and then I stared at the die as it was rolling... And it rolled a 1! My opponent said "You truly are Blessed by the Dark Gods, my friend..." and made everybody laugh!The other, was my Obliterators making 4 Invulnerable Saves against his Terminator Chaplain and Lightning Claws Terminator. I rolled 6, 6, 6, 5. I guess the dice roll justifies his previous statement for that day hahaha!
7. Do you play any other armies in 40K? If so, which ones?
Being an easily excited person, I have several Chaos Space Marines Armies, with different compositions. I have a Khorne List, which includes Berzerkers, 3 Land Raiders, Chaos Terminators, 2 Daemon Princes and a Summoned Greater Daemon. With so many Daemon Princes and a Bloodthirster model, I bought quite a few Plaguebearers and made myself a Daemons army (good tourney list with those!). Now, I am about to use the trophy (Space Wolves Battleforce) to make a Skyrar's Dark Wolves army (fallen Space Wolves), but I will be using the normal Space Marine Codex for them, so you can say my next army will be Space Marines!
8. What is your favorite aspect of the hobby, competitive play, the game itself, painting, converting, ect?
My top-favourite aspect, is the lore of the game. The 40K universe is an awesome setting, with countless stories and mystery! I love adding to that, by founding my own Space Marine Chapters/Traitor Warbands, writing stories about them, and converting whole armies to represent them. My "Angels of Hope" Chaos Space Marines (the ones I played at the GT with) have the Fallen Dark Angels theme, with an angel-like leader, Amitiel. To be 100% honest, I wish I had the time and money to make all of the armies I have thought about: Khornate Orks, Tzeentch Warp-Ghost Tyranids, and many more! I am a lot into conversions and I get sick ideas, which I also help my friends with, but I am not a top-of-the-line painter, so I leave my characters to a friend who rules the brushes. Then, comes the gaming part. I'd say I like both competitive and friendly play. I am not a rules lawyer or a whiner, I just like having fun games, no matter if I win or lose. Well, if the fun is accompanied by victory, it's even better!
9. Anything you would like to add?
Unfortunately, our Guild site is in Greek, but anyone who wishes contact with us, feel free to join our forum and post on the first subforum (I started a thread in English), it would be fun for us to keep contacts with people around the globe, and why not, perhaps organize some event, or hook up for battles during vacations to either countries! Our site is http://imperialseals.forumup.gr I would like to thank Dark Future Games for this interview, and don't forget... There is only WAR!
Once again, thanks to you Gearge for the interview and I encourage any and all readers to comment and offer their feedback here. Are there any other GT winners out there, Heretic, Imperial or Xenos Scum?
Once again, thanks to you Gearge for the interview and I encourage any and all readers to comment and offer their feedback here. Are there any other GT winners out there, Heretic, Imperial or Xenos Scum?
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