
Monday, September 7, 2009

Salamanders list for the new army

After posting a discussion question about the value of Ironclad dreads vs regular dreads, Raptor mentioned that the matter also depended on what your army looked like. My ideal Space Marine army since 4th edition was always Salamanders. The new codex really had me tempted to build a Salamanders army with the introduction of Vulcan Hestan and I4 Salamanders. Up until now, I have decided that I would just stick to Chaos, but after beginning the new Salamander book, I have been bitten by the bug ... and I don't feel to bad as there are few Codex Astartes players at the FLGS.
Here is an idea I originally had for 1750. I am not going to post the points values as I do not feel like it.
Iron Clad with Heavy flamer
Iron clad with heavy flamer
Dreadnought with Multi melta and Heavy Flamer
10 man Tac Squad with Multi melta, flamer, combi-flamer, rhino
10 man tac squad with Multi melta, flamer, combi-flamer, rhino
10 man tac squad with Multi-melta, flamer, combi-flamer, powerfist rhino
Landspeeder with Multi-melta, heavy flamer
Landspeeder with Multi-melta, heavy flamer
Landspeeder with Multi-melta, heavy flamer
Predator with Auto cannon, Heavy bolter sponsons
Predator with Autocannon, Heavy bolter sponsons
Now this was the first idea I had when I dreamed up my Salamanders list, but I have seen the killyness of drop podded dreads on turn one and it is fearsome, but then again, 5 AV 13 vehicles coming down the board with speeder spam is nasty too. My reservation is that the punch of all my anti-mech will be dampened by the slogging ironclads.
My solution would be to sown grade to regular dreads like my third one and drop pod them in, stealing points back from elsewhere to do it.
I think the drop podding multi-melta dreads will make a threat that has to be dealt with turn one while the rest of the army moves up. In any case I think the combo of vehicle spam anti-tank/anti-troop firepower along with the massive distractions on the board may be better than the slogging ironclads. What do you all think? What have you seen? What would you run? How would you deal with it. And a special thanks to Raptor for the idea for a great post.


  1. I haven't seen it in action much but the basic dread w/mm in a pod is a problem, and does have a huge chance of killing what it shoots thanks to twin-linked bs 4

    go with those :)

  2. I'm a big fan of suicide drop dreads on turn 1. They almost always get their points back right off the bat and are a major distraction for any opponent. Depending on how your opponent is deployed you can also use your pods and dreads to deny vital movement in the opening turns of the game.

  3. We have been over this. Drop all the dreads to standard dreads with MM/HF and DP 2 in turn 1. they will equal their points cost reguadless of poping anything or not. If they get focus fired then that means nonething else is getting shot and you are now that much closer to them. Just hope you dont play a extremely fast army who could be in ur deployment zone in their turn 1 if they wanted to.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I am new to WH40K game but not WH40K literature. With an investment of less than $200 not counting time and paint. I am building the following 1500 pt. Salamander army from 2 complete AOBR SM sprue sets, 1 AOBR SM TAC, plus 2 drop pods and assorted bits.

    1. Vulkan He'Stan (Convert 1 SM Captain...gonna be a lot of work here)
    2. SM Captain - Thunder Hammer (TH)
    3. Command Squad - Storm Bolters (from AOBR Termies)
    4. SM Dreadnought - MM and HF (pod insert + beacon)
    5. SM Dreadnought - MM and HF (pod insert + beacon)
    6. 10 man Assault Terminators - TH and Storm Shields (teleport on the pods in 5 man squads to support dreads and get them close early)
    7. 10 man Tac Squad with MM, flamer, bolters
    8. 10 man Tac Squad with MM, flamer, bolters

    The extra AOBR Tac Squad will be my 5 man command squad. With the extra 5 models I will probably create a chaplain, librarian, techmarine, etc. It is more work to model the conversions but the wallet appreciates the effort. My oldest son has expressed interest in modeling and I think this will be a good project for us to work and play. Let me know what you think.



  6. Sorry, you asked for comments on your army not mine. I agree with the other comments about dropping the ironclad dreads to standard dreads with the MM/HF and Drop Pod insertion. It is practically made for a Salamander army. I like the speeders with the MM/HF too. Can hit armor or infantry. I would look at replacing the Predators with two speeder Storms with MM the scout and infiltration will allow you to get in your opponents face 1st round targeting valuable assets the open top allows the Scouts to una$$ and assault with krak grenades and the sergeant with meltabombs. You would spend those 155 points well taking out enemy assets far more valuable.

    In my army I thought about replacing the command squad with two more Drop Pods to insert the two Tac squads where I want them. Besides startin the game with one figure, Vulkan, is kind of theatrical/dramatic when everything else hits the board in the pods or teleports in.

    There's my two cents,

