
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Capt. Obvious's Dark Eldar list at 1750

Alright, in a reply to my last Salamanders list, Patrick AKA "Captain Obvious" (the guy with the Templars I posted a week ago) posted his Dark Eldar list. Now, he has been seen flaunting a DE list in the recent weeks and vows to get really serious about them when the new codex comes out.
I would like to see if there are any Dark Eldar players out there who can give him a little C&C on his list as there are no local players for DE and he feels the need to post his list for the world.
Here it goes:
HQArchon - Agonizer, Combat Drugs, Shadow Field, Haywire Grenades Plasma Grenades 134Retinue - 5 Incubi, Drazhar, Raider 270
Wych Dracite - Agonizer, Combat Drugs, Trophy Rack(+1 LD after a kill), Splinter Pistol
ELITES 9 Wyches, Wych Weapons, (Sucubus, Agonizer, Haywire Grenades, Plasma Grenades), Raider 211
9 Wyches, Wych Weapons, (Sucubus, Agonizer, Haywire Grenades, Plasma Grenades), Raider 211
4 Warp Beasts, Beast Master 63
9 Warriors, Blaster, Splinter Cannon, Raider 142
9 Warriors, Blaster, Splinter Cannon, Raider 142
14 Warriors, Dark Lance, Dark Lance 132
Ravanger - Dizzy x 3 120
Ravanger - Dizzy x 3 120
Ravanger - Dark Lance x 3 105
Dizzy is either 36" 7/2 blast or 24" 4/3 heavy 3So basicly i have 2 with 6 plasma cannon templates that doesnt over heat. A wych HQ bouncing between 2 wych squads depending on the drug rolls.
Feel free to comment.


  1. When the codex comes out- hahaha! I am awaiting this moment for years now!

  2. drop the cannon's from your warrior squad and get syrabite with agonizer's for the raider squads and maybe a blaster I would also drop the retinue on your archeaon as it is a point sink and the wyches do the same thing. Also if you can find the points night shield are great buys for your ravagers. I assume you reserve your army and then zip it on so i would almost advocate making your force entirley mobile thus dropping the warp beast back and the sniper squad of warrior and go for 2 more raider squads with syrabite and agonizer. So to recap my list might look like this

    2 Dracite's drugs,haywire grenades and agnizer (going to die no sense in pimping them with crazy gear.)

    2 9 man wytch squad with witch weapons syrabite with agnizer in raiders with horrorfex and nightshield

    4 8 man raider squad with syrabite w/ agnizer and 1 with blaster Naked Raider

    3 ravager all with 3 distgrator and nightshields

  3. drop the cannon's from your warrior squad and get syrabite with agonizer's for the raider squads and maybe a blaster(WHY ITS A RAIDER SQUAD.....IT SCREENS FOR WYCHES THEN HOPS OUT AND HOLDS AN OBJECTIVE, Splinter cannons are for horde armies) I would also drop the retinue on your archeaon(Archeaon is a fantasy character......i think you meant ARCHON) as it is a point sink and the wyches do the same thing(Wyches do not do the same thing.) Also if you can find the points night shield are great buys for your ravagers(They are a waste of points 60pts can be spent elsewhere). I assume you reserve your army and then zip it on(NO SHIT IM DARK ELDAR....and they call me "Captain Obvious") so i would almost advocate making your force entirley mobile thus dropping the warp beast( you do relize that out of the 4 games i have ran with this list that 63pt warp beast squad has yet to kill less then 150pts.....i see your point its a waste and a possible 24" charge is extremely slow) back and the sniper squad of warrior and go for 2 more raider squads with syrabite and agonizer(Warrior squads in CC is about the stupidest thing i have ever heard 2 DL shooting from 4+ COVER is better then 1 DL in a raid that is easly killed). So to recap my list might look like this

    2 Dracite's drugs,haywire grenades and agnizer (going to die no sense in pimping them with crazy gear.)

    So you are running w/o Plasma grenades.....Lets pray you dont assault into cover, seeing as ur an IC any smart person will allacote hits to your HQs...seeing as u have a 4+inv in CC and 2 wounds u will die fast. Or u could waste a drug roll on always strike first...Yea makes sense......once again they call me Captain Obvious?

    2 9 man wytch squad with witch weapons syrabite(Syrabites arent wyches, they are WARRIORS) with agnizer in raiders with horrorfex and nightshield

    4 8 man raider squad with syrabite w/ agnizer and 1 with blaster Naked Raider

    This squad will last at most 2 rounds of CC against anything and thats pushing it. Str 3 with 2 attacks on the charge with a Syrabite wounding on a 2+. That 5+ save wont help you....u will fail it 8/10 times..and thats being generous.

    3 ravager all with 3 distgrator and nightshields

    WOW you just took 6" of of shooting attacks. Your not always going to get fist turn and wont always have that 4+ when someone shoots u with a lascannon u drop it to 42" range.......So hes STILL SHOOTING YOU AND UR NOT IN RANGE TO SHOOT BACK.....A well spent 20 pts.....

    IMO Never post at a decent army list then post a trash one after it saying its better. Do me a favor, Go back acually read the codex learn how to play and form armies with units that work together then come back and attempt to critique one of my lists.

    Apparently people are attempting to steal my "Captain Obvious" Title......If anyone does this guy will.

  4. DE Archon and Retinue worth it in 2000. questionable in 1750. Lord on abike is legit now. With drugs, punisher and bike he is strength 6 with 6 attacks powered, with a 2+ invuln

    Wyches, grenades and wych weapons always as well as a succubus with agonizer

    troops should be either a 10 man 2DL squad or a 10 man raider squad with blaster and cannon

    heavies depending on opponent are ravagers with 3 DL's or 3 dissies

    rough list

    Archon bike, punisher, drugs, shadowfield, tormentor helm

    wyches grenades wych weapons succubus with agonizer raider

    troops 6 squads 4 raider 2 DL squads

    heavies 3 ravagers
