Hey all Captain Obvious here. Figured I would make my first post, introduce myself and so on. Well I am a personal friend of Old School Termie, not sure if thats good or bad, but either way it's another title I have. I currently am playing two armies....Black Templar and Dark Eldar. Even with my success of my Templar i have been having an INSANE amount of fun with the DE. My newest list has been having a great deal of success as well. So far I have ran it up against...White Scars, Chaos, Chaos Deamons and Eldar. I have won all games and the one against the eldar player ended up with him getting tabled in turn 4. The current list is as follows:
Archon - Punisher, Tormentor Helm, Combat Drugs, Animus Vitae, Shadow Field 150pts
Wych Drachite - Punisher, Tormentor Helm, Combat Drugs 95pts
8 Wych Retinue, Wych Weapons, Haywire Grenades, Raider, Scaling Nets
1 Wych Succubus, Agonizer, Plasma Grenades 243pts
1 Wych Succubus, Agonizer, Plasma Grenades 243pts
8 Wychs, Wych Weapons, Haywire Grenades, Raider, Scaling Nets
1 Wych Succubus, Agonizer, Plasma Grenades 243pts
1 Wych Succubus, Agonizer, Plasma Grenades 243pts
8 Wychs, Wych Weapons, Haywire Grenades, Raider, Scaling Nets
1 Wych Succubus, Agonizer, Plasma Grenades 243pts
4 Warp Beasts BeastMaster 63pts
9 Man Raider Squad, Blaster, Splinter Cannon, Raider 142pts
9 Man Raider Squad, Blaster, Splinter Cannon, Raider 142pts
12 Man Warrior Squad, Dark Lance, Dark Lance 116pts
Ravanger Dark Lance x 3 105pts
Ravanger Dark Lance x 3 105pts
Talos 100pts
This list comes out to 1747. With this army relying on Wyches as your main source of hitting power you have to play it with extreme caution since wyches outside of combat are asking to get killed by las pistols or any other AP6 weapons lol. This army has ALOT of hitting power you just have to know when to use it. You have 13 Dark lances at your disposal and Wyches are able to take on ANYTHING in Close Combat. Both of your HQs are able to take on any other armies HQ in usually 1-2 turns. The Archon after a round of combat will be running around with a NASTY stat line. WS7 STR5 and I7 is hard to deal with in CC. And with the right drug rolls you can usually beef him up to take on just about anything.
The archon runs with what ever Wych Squad got the better drug rolls. I usually will put him with the squad who gets +1ws or 12" assault. People usually cry when they are hitting wyches on 5+ instead of the usual 4+. Makes rounds of combat with that squad a heart ache for anyone.
With the scaling nets on the raiders you need to use them to block LOS and get cover saves if u find yourself out of combat too soon, that way you arent getting completely lit up with out saves.
I use the warrior squads to either roam around Dark Lanceing and blastering things or securing an objective, depending on the mission im playing, or if i have to screening for my wych raiders(LAST RESORT).
The warp beasts and talos are a cheap threat in this list that many people overlook or over estimate. Depending on the player, some tend to focus fire the heck out of the talos and the warp beasts neglecting your wyches and ravangers. After your first turn of shooting 10 Dark lances and poping alot of mech their fire is instantly redirected to your firing platforms and raiders......but by then its too late. This army is easy to get into combat on turn 1 or sit back and drop mech and then assault in turn 2-3, once again all depending who or what your fighting.
Im in the process of making up a Haemomculi list with some grotesques. The thought of exploding enemy troops, and using their tougness against them is just funny. Just have to figure out how to make it play out as a take all comers list.
Poping eh
ReplyDeleteShooting games may seem violent but actually it enhances strategic concentration. A better way of venting without harming anyone but the computer screen.
ReplyDeleteNice post, dude. Your army has a lot of stuff in it that my Chaos lives in fear of especially HQs that make mockeries of my DPs and Wyches who make my Plague Marines into overpriced speedbumps. This doesn't stop me from issuing the challange and saying that it is high time you fought my new Chaos list! Then we can post a decent BatRep!