
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Week 6 Painting Challenge Round Up

Week 6 round up coming in.  We have some great submissions from Modian7th as well as from Leadlegion.

From Mordian7th:

Cataphract Terminators:

These were made with a mix of Assault Terminators, FW Chain-axes and a set of Terminator torsos I picked up on eBay - there's a bunch more of these to come!

Old-school Land Speeder:

Ron over at FTW made up a sheet of World Eater transfers for me and I gave them a try on the Land Speeder. Not 100% happy with it, I think I'm going to go back in and work on the engine nacelles a bit more when I get some more free time.

All sorts of Berzerkers!

1st Squad - Berzerkers

One of the themes planned for the army is to show their descent into Chaos worship, so for the Berzerkers I used the bare arms from the Chaos Marauders kit, coupled with the Chain-axes and bolt pistols from FW to give them a bit more of a savage air.

2nd Squad - More Berzerkers

The second unit of 8 are the most savage and driven by blood lust, having discarded their helmets and in certain cases showing the first signs of mutation...

Definitely a fun pair of units to paint. ...And now onwards to the next unit!


Wow!  What a last 2 weeks for mordian7th!  Therse heresy era world eaters are awesome.  Great character.  Over on his blog he has a army shot and a spoiler for what I would imagine is next weeks painting challenge from him.  

Here's my entry for this week of the Painting Challenge: 2 Sentinels. Yes, there are three in the picture, the middle one was completed a while before I got around to the other two. Two Sentinels can form a 1Kp Squadron though, though hopefully it'll count (CVinton- Is it painted?  Of course it will count!!)

(As a side note, leadlegion is holding a blog give away to celebrate hitting 50 followers.  Check it out for sure)


Great work to both of you. Keep up the painting to fight the war against bare plastic!  I feel like there might be a few people out there that had taken the challenge and might be slipping a little...don't make me peer pressure you!

As always the rules stay the same; If you want to enter and have your work shown off on DFG, painted to your own standard (and linked back to your blog if you own one and would like), we will do it.  But you have to take the challenge- A single kill point every week (or as often as you can).  Send it to us and well will post it, that simple!

We are hoping that this can help others challenge themselves to quit their painting ADD, overcome a lack of motivation and just start painting!  Every one of us deserves a fully painted army!  If you are interested, shoot us an email at


  1. Loving those Sentinels - the faceplates are a cool touch and the rust effect on the exhaust stacks is great!

    Really enjoying seeing everyone's entries for this week - working on something big for next week (and yeah, I padded this week a bit by getting 3KP done over the weekend. :)

  2. Great looking World Eaters! And thanks for the competition plug :)

  3. Aye, brothers, CVinton speaks the truth. We have plenty of readers out there who haven't taken the challenge and some among us who have slipped. Even if you can't maintain a KP a week, then keep up with what you can and e-mail it to us. We stand together, regardless of army, regardless of how often we make that KP happen, regardless of skill and no matter what, we fight the war against bare plastic on our tables. It is about progress, measured progress! For those still fighting keep the faith and encourage those you know to keep it as well. Bring us your painted models and we will bring them to the world!
