
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

40k Painting Challenge is back!

DFG is challenging you to paint one KP of your army per week. 

You got what it takes? 

Last year we had some great success with the challenge so we're putting it on again.  No prizes, no awards, just a great sense of pride (like being drunk, sober, drunk, sober, drunk, sober and drunk again at adepticon in one day...and holding a cactus...wearing a space marine helmet...)

(OST chiming in!) Sammy has issued the challenge again for this year and much like last year, email us your pictures, write a little about your work (why you chose the colors, techniques, challenges, ect)  and we'll post them.  That simple. If you prefer, you can also hit us with the photos and details on our Facebook Page and we will cross them over to the blog! We are going to keep it 40k themed this year and while we will be getting (hopefully) plenty of entries throughout the week, we will try to get them into a regular rotation. I think this is a great motivation to get stuff painted and it dragged my kicking and screaming through a couple of my armies last year! Check out this link to view more info on the challenge and to see pics of entries from this year and last! Here is CVinton again -

To start out the challenge, I present my freshly revamped Necrons.  I went with pink mostly as a joke and to celebrate the new release of the GW line that includes pink, but after I started I realized that it actually works.  Only 30 more immortals to go!


  1. Just as a clarification, this time the challenge shall be 40k themed only, but anyone can send entries.

  2. As I'm needing something to help keep the pressure on my Heresy-era World Eaters, I'll jump in on this. A unit a week seems like a reasonable goal - stand by for pics!

    Is there a particular day of the week acting as the beginning/end of the weekly cycle? Sunday night, perhaps?

  3. Yeah, we are going to use Wednesdays as the start/end point, but other than that, we are happy to post people's stuff here, especially if it keeps them on their goals!

  4. Beauty! I'll get cracking on Wednesday and see how long I can keep up. Cheers!

  5. I need to get my wraith seer done. wolfson is already cranking out his eldar forgeworld goodness I need to catch up

  6. I'm in - I'm emigrating at end of July and want to take a finished Necron army with me.

  7. Ere' we go, Ere' we go, Ere' we go!

  8. Yup, I'm up for this one too. Painting Guard mean's i'll have a lot of mini's to get through, but I want my treacherous little heretics painted up by 6th ed.

  9. 1 Kill point per week? No way I can do that pace, but I'm happy to watch you guys. Good luck.

  10. Lately, I've been doing a 5-model squad per week, but that's a faster pace than usual for me. Last week I finished a squad of Swiftclaws, the week before that Wolf Guard Terminators, and the week before that a pack of Wolf Scouts. The half-dozen Fenrisian Wolves and the Bjorn dreadnought were each basically two-day projects (one day to assemble and prime, followed by an afternoon of painting).

    That's about 900 points of models in the past month! Whether I'll be able to keep up the pace when I start my new job in June is unlikely, but my goal is to have my Space Wolves army completed by Labor Day.

  11. 1st photo: WTF??? :-/ are you holding a real cactus?? You scare me. :-(
    Necrons looks wonderfull... and fashionvictim :-P
    ...'to celebrate the new release of the GW line that includes pink'... HAHAHA :-D I AGREE
    Google translator: 'My first impression ... this is not for veterans, is it for children? Nor, it seems to me for Dummies (for people who do not know the color pink, for example).'

  12. This sounds cool, I'm in. I'll try to finish my first 5 kabalite warriors for my new DE army tonight!
