
Sunday, December 4, 2011

13th company Thunder Wolves WIP 4

I've finished all the GS work and can now start in on the paint (and finish the paint on the first one).  Not much to say, so enjoy the final scuplt WIP.

This guy is by far my favorite of the poses.  The addition of the chaos warhound heads really makes these guys complete.  I'm still looking to build 2 more in the future.  But for now, 4 is plenty.  

(Don't worry Tim, that tutorial is in the making)

I'm a huge fan of the guitar string for power cables.

Like the above one, adding the wolf head to this guy really brought it together.  Also, I hated the pose of the hand because he looked like he was grabbing but didn't have an extended arm and just looked like...he was going to tickle something.  So, of course, he gets to choke a bitch.  Poor Thousand Sons....

It also gives the model a nice perspective of how terrifying/massive they are in scale.  That marine looks tiny and make the wolf look even bigger.



  1. That is simply excellent GS work. Very jealous, mostly because it was done using perfectly good Tyranid bits! =D

  2. Tyranid bits? Did I miss something?

  3. One on the other post, the one I added the snout to, is made from the mouth of a warrior. Otherwise, there is not a single nid bit on any of them.

    At the tournament a guy thought until the very last round that I was playing chaos...with 4 daemon princes. I guess it's inevitable.

  4. They were fierce looking. Wish I'd got the chance to have a go.

  5. Tutorial!! Huzzah!! I can't say enough about how much I love these models :)

    Daemon Princes... seriously? Sigh. That should change once you finish the paint on them, man.

  6. OOOOOooo they look so great now when you see them in all one colour :)

  7. Second the tutorial part. This series of post have made me want to purchase a bunch of ForgeWorld Armor Marks and then a Bunch of Chaos Warriors and Khorne Zerker parts and use my left over bits from my space wolves to make a 13th co. Army.

  8. how do you create the poses? getting them in the lunging pose?
