
Monday, October 17, 2011

Ogre Iron Blaster Ready for War!

Old School here with my Iron Blaster! I have to say it again, these Ogre kits are just plain fun and while this thing at times had me cursing it's complex variety of textures, surfaces and colors, I ultimately had a ton of fun painting it. So let's walk around it and kick the tires.

I used a blend of Snakebite leather and Tin Bitz for the initial color of the cannon, I then ran it over with watered down Turquoise, followed by a wash of Delvan Mud, followed by a highlight of Dwarven Brass.

I'm sticking to the glossy wet bloody arm look for the Ogre. The tusks were painted Astrinomicon grey, washed Gryphonne Sepia, then layered with Dheneb Stone followed by Bleached Bone.

I wanted the Rhinox to stand out so I painted him brighter than I originally intended. I wanted this thing to look like it has been running into formations, so there is a healthy amount of gore on the model as I have used it for some pretty successful charges in my few Ogre games of Fantasy.

I like where it ended up and I think it fits in with the somewhat cartoony look of my Ogres, which I will be posting more finished models for in the days to come. I just have some finishing touches on the Bulls and I am a couple of steps from finishing the batch process work on my Iron Guts. Let me know what you think!


  1. WOW! I am a huge fan of how the Ogres are turning out.

    Also: Any interested Fantasy players in MI/OH following DFG, the 2012 GLWL is taking sign-ups!

  2. Thanks Gentlemen. Ogres everywhere are blushing over the comments ... and then smashing any Gnoblars who dared to look!

  3. All the work you told me you put into this paid off. The thing looks great. I love the rust. The tiger skin looks great. Very well done indeed.
