
Monday, July 25, 2011

Dark Eldar Sneek Peek Pic of Ur-Ghul and Medusae!

A quick sneek peek lifted from our friends at Eldar Addict! While the Archon retinue isn't the greatest unit in the world, these models are pretty awesome and fit very well into the existing Dark Eldar line.
But that's just my opinion. Let us know what you think about these two up and coming models!


  1. wow. I love that ur-ghul model. I'll have to get a few of those, and I don't even play Dark eldar...yet.

  2. Wow those actually look like I pictured and they look decent.

  3. Honestly, I'm rather disappointed. I've really loved everything Dark eldar related in the new codex except the grotesques and these two. The medusa are really underwhelming where as the urghuls look kinda dopey. 

    I mean aside from the fact that we finally have an answer as to what those five eyed skulls where on the DE raider trophy spikes... Otherwise rather weak.

    Not to sound snotty but I think my conversions of the two looked more menacing, were cheaper go make.

  4. I like 'em a lot. Suck in-game, but very cool models.

  5. I like the Dark Eldar Medusae - pretty cool. I agree, they do suck in-game though.

  6. I didn't know they still weren't done making DE models. Tyranid sales must be non-existent right now.
