
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Arachnarok Tervigon Conversion Painted; Tervigon Alpha!

 Old School here with the painted Arachnarok Tervigon I converted while the Arachnarok was still a Black Box item (check out the original posts here). After the exitement of building it wore off I realized I wanted to change my color scheme and my approach to painting the Nids (there are so many, I wanted to find a time-efficient way to paint them consistently, so a little less detail than I put into my usual work, but enough to be effective) - so it took me a while, but she is done. I originally called her Project Drider, but since this is an expensive model to reproduce and I will likely use it for my HQ Tervigon, I have changed its name to Tervigon Alpha. With all that said, here she is with plenty of photos ...

 The bog bug was a lot of fun to build and even though there are some things I would do differently if I did it again, but I was exited to make it before anyone else did and that really drove me to just get it done with the bits I had on hand - all in all though, I am very happy with the model.

 The big abdomen really looks like it could fit a lot of Termagants in it!

 Here is a bird's eye view. This really gives a good idea of the size difference in the two kits and how they line up. As the twentieth century poet Sir Mix-A-Lot said, "Baby got Back"

 Here is a size comparison of the Tervigon Alpha next to a genestealer. As you can see, the model is a little too big for practical, competitive play, but still is very cool looking on the table.

... and of course, she is magnetized ... and of course, I haven't painted the other options yet or anchored her to a base, so be on the look out for the final - final post with all of those step done. I hope you all like her as much as I liked making her.


  1. oh I love this thing. Can't wait to kill it. It looks awesome and I hope that you kit bash more up.

  2. Should have titled this post: "How to build and paint a Tervigon to utterly mess with your opponent's fire priorities" - that thing is wickedly intimidating. Beautiful.

  3. great job. That thing looks awesome!!!

  4. She's just beautiful! 2 weeks ago I won an auction for the arachnorok bitz and now that i've seen someone else convert it as I'm intending to, I just can't wait to get started.

    Hopefully my converted Harpy, Flyrant and Tyrannofex will keep the opponent wondering about target priority long enough that she'll stay alive the whole game. :)

    What options do you magnetised apart from the claws?

  5. The head. I have a different head for when I add onslaught to the model. Helps me remember to use it.

  6. If the rumoured Tervigon/TFex doesn't materialize in the next couple of months I think I'll be building myself one of these as my second Terv...

  7. That is really awesome. Look forward to seeing it at the Fowlerville thingy.

  8. THat looks awesome mate. Good job.

  9. I laughed a laugh of joy so hard, I sneezed and gaunts came out.

  10. Fantastic job OST. I look forward to seeing that on the table at Evo.

  11. I loved your model when you first made it. I started a kit bash of my own based on your original posts. Hope people who are inspired by your bash, tell you so!

  12. I have to concur with Vinton on this one, I can't wait to kill it :-)

    That thing looks killer with a nice coat of paint on it.

  13. I don't think anyone will get a chance to kill it as she will likely never see the table being modeled at a huge disadvantage for the usual level of competition my normal games give me.

  14. Cant wait to see it based, cant expres thanks eghoufe (thats a hard word :S ) how thankful I am that you have introduced me to that big spider set. I am thinking of using it as a base fore a Tfex or a hq terv.
