
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Chaos Space Marines Units and Tactics: Nurgle Daemon Princes

It is time for one of my personal favorites; Nurgle Daemon Princes.
Tough and Ugly: The nurgle Daemon Prince has T6 (most things wound you on a six), which is great for close combat against regular troops and some not so regular units and it can be a horde buster if properly supported.
What to give my Nurgle Prince: The Nurgle Daemon Prince, as with all Prince Varients really gets a boost in capability from having wings, so I recommend you consider them amndatory on your Nurgle Princes.
As far as powers are concerned, there are three which really come to mind as efficient in the hands of a DP; Nurgle's Rot, Warptime and Wind of Chaos.
The Rot Prince: The Rot Prince is armed with wings and Nurgle's Rot. He is a horde buster extrodanairre, capable of shaking off plenty of lesser models' attacks and blasting Nugle's Rot in the shooting phase, EVEN IF he is in assault. This means he can kill enemy in the shooting phase, then (usually) take out a few more (I5) before he has to deal with taking any more attacks.
Keep in mind that he will still be vunerable to things like powerclaws and powerfists, they will be the last thing to die and they will force him to make that Hail Mary 5+ Invul, so supporting him with your infantry will help clean up faster and will help him stay alive longer.
The Rot Prince really does well against Guard and other armies with bad armour saves or low toughness. He really isn't as effective against Marines (though his CC ability will still be a huge factor) or against Monstrous Creature (most have high S and will force that bad inv on him.)
The Warptime Prince: The Nurgle Prince with Warptime is a CC powerhouse, especially effective as a countercharge unit and against MCs with lower initiative than him. I typically run him behind my vehicle wall and then fly over to either charge into combat in support of my troops, or I use him to threaten would-be enemy chargers because no one wants to be countercharged by a Nurgle WT Prince. In this case, he will help you control enemy movement, will draw fire and may cause the enemy to make bad decisions.
This prince is expensive, but for the damage he can do, he is worth it, used as a countercharger, he can support any unit with a powerfist to create that lovely powered attack sandwich I love to make the enemy eat. If the only Prince you run is the Nurgle WT prince, keep him tucked into your vehicle line as he will become the biggest target for the enemy. If you really want to own the CC phase, run 2 of them in support of your troops and you have a wall of rolling death on your hands.Once again, I must caution you about the invul, anything that can wound him successfully with powered attacks, especially in High S and volume or at a better initiative than him, has a chance of killing him. I would avoid Assault terminators (with TH, SS) and I would avoid Slaanesh Princes and daemons as well.
The Wind of Chaos Prince: The Nurgle Prince with Wind of Chaos is much the same as a Slaaneshi one with the same power. The unit tucks in and advanced with the tanks, then hops up, unleashes WoC on a squad, then assaults the left-overs, using its high T to add survivability. I think for the price you pay for this power and the WoC, it is better to just take a Tzeench Prince with the same power, but I also thought it was worth mentioning.
Overall, I think the WT Prince really excels in this mark and can be a tough nut to crack for most enemy units. Just remember to actually roll your Warptime at the beginning of the turn. The rot prince is awesome if you are fighting hordes (I once got 24 orcs within 6" of me), but in a take-all-comers environment, it can fall flat more than half of the time.

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