
Monday, November 2, 2009

What is your favorite GW mini?

Tonight, I am asking for your opinions on what your favorite GW miniature is. My is the fantasy Khorne Lord pictured above. The kit is beautiful and comes with a second (awesome) horned head, the Juggernaught is perfect and the lord just looks bad ass. It can also be converted to a pretty awesome looking (if not underacheiving table-wise) 40k model (I am working on it!). So I now ask "What is your favorite GW mini? Why? and can we get a link to it?" Comments are highly encouraged!


  1. Well mine's almost completely at odds with the Khorne Lord. I think my favourite GW mini would have to be Prince Tyrion on Malhandir. It's just a really good sculpt, brutal and oh so elegant at the same time.

    Pic here:

  2. Mine has got to be the Harlequin Shadowseer. It's such a simple model - but everything about it is just filled with character and exudes a feeling of mystique, intrigue and elegance.

  3. I'm with you on the Khorne Lord on Jugger. When I furst saw the pictures of one I knew I had to have it at least as a display piece, but in the end it was enough to push me into WFB and a Warriors of Chaos army on its release.

    A really dynamic mini that oozes hate and contempt for the mortal world. The heavy metal lads, and other bloggers around the world have really used it to great effect to create some killer mini's - my favourite being this GD winning conversion using the Jugger and the FW Khorne Lord:

  4. My favorite model is the plastic Elf Lord on a Dragon. I just think this is a beautiful model and really shows just how much can be done with plastic kits. One of my favorite aspects is that you can build both a warrior and a mage mount from the same kit allowing you to field the model as different characters.

  5. I've always loved the Dragon Ogre Shaggoth.
