Monday, November 9, 2009
Chaos Space Marines Units and Tactics: Chaos Land Raider
My heretical writings on Chaos Units and Tactics now brings me to the Chaos Land Raider. I have included in this post a video from Lot of Dice. What can I say, his Land Raider is amazing and if you have never checked his site out, take a look:
Rolling Cover: The Choas Land Raider is huge and with that comes the ability to block line of sight to or provide cover for a rhino or Daemon Prince or really any other unit in the Chaos Space Marines Codex. In this, the Land Radier not only benefits the unit it transports, but multiplies the assault capability of other units in your army. In my mind this is the best use of the Chaos Land Raider in our army. Additionally, like the vindicator or any other big nasty in our lists, it draws fire away from your long range fire support elements and from your daemon princes. No matter who you are (except for lance-armed Eldar and DE) you have to respect a AV 14 vehicle and most armies are going to want to take it out, so expect it and count on it.
That being said, a single Land Raider may find itself in trouble, so if you are counting on using Land Raiders as your primary tactic for victory you need to either re-evaluate your plan or take multiple Land Raiders, just make sure you put a lot of thought into this as the cost adds up quickly.
Pimping my Raider: This brings me to our wargear options. Our Land Raider comes with LasCannons and Heavy Bolters, there is no changing that. If you want more firepower, you may add a Havoc Launcher or a pintle-mounted weapon, but in my mind, the land raider is an assault vehicle, which means it is best suited to either rolling 12" to get into the fight or moving 6" and firing and THEN rolling into the fight. If you want dedicated Long Range Fire Support, there are better options in the codex like Havocs and Obliterators for this.
This means the Land Raider needs to be able to get to the fight, which means you will either want Extra Armour or Daenomic Possession to make sure that you are at least always able to move the vehicle. Extra armour is cheaper and does the job for still less points than what loyalists field a land raider at and it is my mandatory choice when fielding it. Danomic Possession is nice because it means you will also be able to fire (ignoring 2/3 of the glancing and 1/3 or the Penetrating Chart results), but for this you must trade a point of ballistic skill and an additional 5 points and for Chaos, every point counts. The choice is yours, it just really depends on what your tolerance is for spending points on a single vehicle.
Who rides in it? Some of the drawbacks one will find when comparing the Chaos Land Raider to its Loyalist counterparts is transport capability. You can only fit 5 models in terminator armour in our version, but you may also pack in 10 of our troops. This may seem like a drawback at first, but when you consider the expense of our troop choices and their roles on the battlefield, it really isn't that big of a deal.
Terminators: If you want to pack in Terminators, kit them for assault and mark them either Khorne (for more attacks) or Tzeench (for added protection against nasty power weapons). I do not recommend taking the termies in the raider as you will get more attacks out of troop units and you can then hold any objective that you might clear with them. The best reason to take terminators AND a land raider in a list, in my opinion, is to take them in reserve and take the Land Raider in their FOC slot, so you have more room for Heavy Support options.
Troops: Sure, you could take CSM, or any of the cult choices in the Land Raider, but the choice that really shines above all others are the Khorne berzerkers! The best choice outside of a group of terminator champs with claws and fists is the khorne berzerkers for the volume of attacks, the I5 charge and the Powerfist Champ throwing down 4 attacks on the charge. Eight of these badboys either alone or with a tweaked-out Lord will clean objectives in a hurry and with propper support from a daemon Prince, Rhinos packed with deal-dealing rapid fire or any other part of your offensive, they will also survive to attack again (hopefully).
Overall, the Chaos Land Raider is expensive and is not for everyone. It is not the end-all-be-all way to get your army accross the board or into assault. You may want those points for other units, or if not taking termies, you may want its HS slot on the FOC. If you are looking for a work horse vehicle and a little more mobility in your offensive, something Chaos can struggle with, then I recommend playtesting it and building several lists that can support it. Unless you are taking multiple Land Raiders that last part is key: Can you support it? Does it Support your overall army composition? Does it help or hinder your plan to buy it? Hopefully those questions and the tactics discussed can help you out. In any case, just some food for thought. As always, your feedback is encouraged!
I think the best kind of Land Raider is without any upgrades. Looking at the bulk of points you already put on it, you need not spend the extra points for extra armour. I realized this when I find that my Land Raider rarely gets itself stunned.
ReplyDeleteWell, just what I think and experienced.
I think it is reletive many times to what people run in your area. Where I am, you are likely to see a lot of long-range anti-tank guns and the occasional drop pod multi-melta dreadnought. This makes extra armour a must for me. For some folks, hordes are more common and a naked raider might be the thing to do. Thanks for the feedback Alvin, I really like your Alpha Legion by the way!