As I packed my CSM up last night to head to the game store, I thought about how much I just wanted to try something a little different. I had seen the internet theory hammer out there regarding Chaoszilla and already knew it would perform horribly, but I figured it would be fun just to say I did it, so I did. I ended up playing against Erik "the Homeless"'s Death Guard CSM.
Now before you come with your pitchforks and torches, I remind you that I have no delusions about this being a viable army in a competitve enviroment, but it was a TON of fun to play!
The list at 1750 looked something like this:
Lash Prince
Lash Prince
They were all I could afford for DPs and they actually only got one lash off between the two of them. One actually failed a dangerous terrain test and took a wound, then took a wound from Perils of the Warp and then managed to get punked by a squad of lesser daemons. In the end the second DP also died to lesser daemons!
3x Chaos Dreadnoughts with 2x DCC weapons a peice and each has a heavy flamer.
These guys were superstars in this game. I didn't roll a single 1 for them on the crazed chart either! They managed to kill quite a bit and not get themselves killed (except for the one that died turn 1.), although, 1 dreadnought somehow got into a tickle fight against a single lesser daemon for a few turns.
3x Defilers with 4x DCC weapons a peice.
One got popped turn one and the others got immobilised in CC. The big dissapointment I had with them was the fact that they were locked in CC for so long and barely killed anything a turn. They just needed other units to come and help the out, but they did manage to pop a vindi and kill two units of Lesser Daemons and a squad of Plague Marines with assistance.
The remainder of my list involved two tool-up small squads of Plague Marines in Rhinos and two minimal squads of Lesser Daemons.
Unlike Erik's Lesser Daemons mine managed to kill themselves pretty quickly against a squad of Chosen.
I know this isn't a very good report of the battle, but I just wanted to get what I ran out there. I took the lesser daemons instead of the Greater Daemon becasue I thought I might need them in an objective mission, but we ended up playing anhililation in a spearhead deployment. While I normally always form up in a spearhead when I can, this army really gets in its own way when forced to move from this set up. Even with the fleeting defilers and the DPs, this army moved pretty slow.
The funny thing is that I still pulled off a win 9-7 KPS with all the bad luck I mentioned above. This really is a testament to the incredibly bad luck Erik had with rolling. He would penetrate a defiler and then get a 1 or 2 ... or after multiple attacks, would immobilize it. He fired a Las-cannon pred at a rhino and only immobilized it. He would shoot dreadnoughts and only get glancing hits and then would roll less than a 3. Between those bad rolls and my dreadnought tickling a single lesser daemon for three turns, It was a good game for laughs on both sides!
All in all, my final thoughts are that Chaoszilla is NOT competitive and had the dice even gone slightly better, I would have been close to tabled in that game. With all the anti-mech out there these days, there is more than enough to available to most armies to kill this one dead before it even hits their lines, but I will continue to play it for fun, butI don't see me fighting any Nidzilla lists anytime soon!
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