
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Black Legion gets dusted off and a little revamp!

So this weekend I was cleaning the garage (and finally got it done) when my wife asked the question: "Just how much Chaos stuff do you have?"
I decided to take it all out and set it up on my gaming table. I quickly realized that I had to ditch the terrain so it could fit ... then I realized that there was a lot more there than I thought. In fact, I had 78 fully painted Black Legionnares that I had completely forgotten about, not to mention the epic amount of other cult troops, termies, my massive vehicle lot, the brass scorpions and defiler and yes ... the massive HQ section. Why don't I have a photo? I forgot to pull it out before I started putting it all away.
My wife's next question was "What the hell do you do with all that? I know you don't use it all."
This got me thinking ... I sure as hell don't. So I sat down and started writing lists and figuring out what to do with my stuff. Next thing you know, I have a pretty damn good dounding Khorne list drafted up, from 1500, 1750 and 2000. I figured out a ton of different lists that just all seemed to sing "TRY ME!!!"
Then I started looking at those poor Black Legionnares. I remembered how I used to drool over the idea of bringing the Warmaster's forces to bear with all the might of a Black Crusade, only to fall out of love with them for some Cult troops ... then an idea hit me ...
With new vigour, I began taking out the exact models I would need from my old legion and winced at the old flat gold and silver trim and weapons, so I hit them with red and black washes ... and it was good. I updated the basing and bought some flock (haven't used it yet) and it was good ... I started modeling new specialists and even painted the Bastion I am painting for the FLGS in Black Legion colors (will get a healthy wash tomarrow) ... all building up to something, something corrupt in the extreme ...
... but I am not going to tell you what yet. Just keep your eyes peeled for the new models I am building and you will see!

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