
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Ask Dark Future Games, we have a mailbox!

Mail Call!! For those of you with questions or concerns out there who would like to share them with us, we now have an e-mail address,
While we won't be giving you any advice on your love life, we can help you with conversions, tricky paint-schemes, army lists and tactics and much more. We have a great staff of authors; Myself (Old School Terminator) with a vast array of knowledge in the Chaos Space Marine, Space Marine and Tau codexes (soon to be moving into Daemons). I also have some decent conversion experience and would be glad to help anyone out in that department.
Next we Captain Obvious, our local Dark Eldar expert and Black Templar player. He also can give you some very obvious dice-rolling advice, like "You need to roll either an even or an odd",
The Homeless is a former Red Shirt for GW and is coming back from a long break in the game. He is currently playing Death Guard and is building an Ork army. He is also a very good painter.
Un-Phasable is our Necron Extremist and White Scars aficionado. He can and will teach your Crons new tricks!
Farseer Rerolls is of course a member of the FLGS staff and an avid Eldar, Tyranid and Space Marine Player who is currently working on some pretty slick conversions.
That is it for us, now let's here about you! Have a kick ass model, idea, army list or new tactic? Have a bit of advice for us or a comment about how we can improve the blog? Let us have it. We may not always answer back via the blog, but we will give due diligence to responding to you. Thank you for the great support so far!

1 comment:

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