For some time I have been trying to find a way to add an effective mobile assault element to my Chaos Space Marines. Daemon Princes are great, but they get shot down and rhinos just don't get anywhere these days with all the AT on the board.
I also have purchased a set of Forge World Khorne Zerk bodies along with a few other goodies.
So the quest became a matter of adding those zerks to my army in an effective manner in order to be successful with them. Three units of Plague Marines has been feeling like a crutch lately and there are more and more plaguers appearing on the board at the old FLGS, so it is time for a small change for me.
My run-of-the-nill tourny list has been:
Lash Prince
Nurgle Prince WT
5 Chosen with a mix of melta and flamers in rhino
3x Plague Marines with fist champ and special weapons (mostly melta) all in rhinos
3x2-man Oblit squads
I do mix it up every now and again with some noise Marines and a little zilla action, but for competitive play, I designed a list similar to help house my zerks, here it is.
Lash Prince (or Nurgle DP with WT, haven't decided, but lash is a useful crutch in a tourney)
8 Zerks in a Daenomically Possessed Land Raider, Champ has powerfist
2x 7-man squads of plaguers in rhinos with fist champs and melta guns
2x 3-man Oblit squads
depending on how I run my first HQ Prince, I have about 185 to work with. I could get my beloved outflanking chosen, run both a lash and a nurgle prince (would give the zerks some cc support and give the enemy multiple hard threats to deal with) or add Kharn to the zerks (only problem is that they will wipe the floor with what ever they charge and end up getting shot hard.
I realize the Possession on the LR is a little overkill, but with only one LR, I don't want it to get completley nerfed first turn, but at the same time, everybody shooting at it is the real reason for taking it as it allows my shooting elements to survive longer ... it just helps if the zerks get to do their job. Let me know your thoughts. Oh, and since this is for a comp list at a store where soft scores are not counted, no fluff nazis please.
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