
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Using Warhammer sprues for 40k conversions

Though Warhammer 40k takes place in the Grim Darkness of the Future, there are a number of kits available through the Warhammer Fantasy Battle line that are very good for converting to 40k! The first example from my own garage is my Nurgle Vindicator, which wouldn't be much more than target practice without the corpses from the Warhammer Corpse Cart kit. For $18, so far, I have made a Chaos Sorceror from the driver, upgraded several of my plague Marines, added the bodies to the corpse cart, spruced up the base for my Nurgle Daemon Prince, used three bodies for a Plague Champions base and still have a ton of nasty stuff for upcoming conversions! Not bad for a cheap kit.

Next, I want to introduce you to the Chaos Knights Sprues! These sprues are great for Chaos Space Marines or even character (or vanguard) loyalist conversions. There are a lot of spears that can be turned into evil looking scythes, a mace, evil swords, a collection of nice helmets, a dragon faced horn and the big ol' cleaver I used on the Plague Marine above (note the corpse cart bodies). If you gander over at Black Matt's blog, you can see plenty of conversions from this kit in squads and characters all over his entire army! Look :

Here are a couple photos from the Chaos Marauder horsemen kit. I know, what about the horses? Who cares, sell them on Ebay, start a evil My Little Pony stable, the point is for relatively cheap, you can convert a large portion of your army with little goodies to seperate them from the rest of the pack. I plan to use parts from this kit (the badass heads) for my upcoming squad of Zerks!
There are plenty of examples in the blogoshpere if you look, why check out Santa Cruz Warhammer : or check out my black templars label in the right column of my blog to find an Emperor's Champ with an Empire General Standard or my Salamanders and their Corsair cloaks. Hopefully, this gets the gears in your head turning and maybe, you might just linger for a bit of the Warhammer section at your store or when you are shopping online. There are a lot of cheaper kits in that line that can make your army really stand out.
Do you use WHFB bits to spruce up your 40k models? If so, let's hear what you use! Every comment can help other hobbyists and if you are a fellow blogger, point out your examples or POST THEM!


  1. I am actually going to be using Chaos Knight legs when I get around to converting up my Thunderwolf Cav. (Except they'll be riding Cold Ones. MARINES ON DINOSAURS I AM FIVE AGAIN!..LOL? I am.)

    I'd originally planned on making Bloodcrushers from the Chaos Knights, but changed my mind.

    I've seen some fantastic Eldar Jetbike conversions out of Dark Elf cold one cav; look for Eldar Exodite blogs like and look for his seer council. Added benefit? 8-man Seer Council + Warlock for $50 and bits. Just TRY that with jetbikes.

    Also, that Vindy is WaY the hell over the top. I dig it.

  2. Thanks for the props on the vindi! I like the Seer Council idea too. Always nice to have you around Raptor.

  3. I use the Flagellant bodies for my tech-cult guard:

  4. About a third of the Ork boys I own are actually Orc boys, and a very nasty looking squad of Eavy armored Nobs are actually Black Orcs. With very little work, the two lines can easily be intermingled.

  5. I've used Empire Flagellants for a Witch Hunters Priest and an Inquisitorial torturer. The Warhammer zombies regiment has got lots of nice bitz in it as well, similar to the corpse cart.

  6. WHFB empire meld exceptionally well with anything Imperial gaurd, and selectively can be bashed with Marines. Check out the skeleton regiment for the Vampire Counts, tons and tons of excellent skeleton bits. Its the kind of kit you can keep in your bits collection and have ready for any old work that requires skeletons. In a similar vein, look at your pals decal sheets from bretonnians. lots of excellent heraldry.
