
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The power of the Blogosphere and wonderful "Counts as"

Old School here,
Raptor over at Spite for the Dice Gods posted a compelling post here: recently that really dealt with the cost to start some armies at the price for the GW models, Daemons being the biggest offenders and he brought up some great conversion ideas. Being somebody who has always secretly lusted for an all daemon army, I dove into the blogosphere after some images and posts that I remember seeing that really looked incredible to me.
First I found one that bit at what Raptor brought up, Cannonfodder's Bloodcrushers from his blog, Path of the Exodite (they are the bloodletters riding the cold ones pictured above). Check out these and his other conversions here:
As I scrolled through the amazing conversions (artist of the week type stuff), I caught a glimpse of something amazing (see top photos); A daemon army that reminded me of Doom and the entire range of conversions were built from plastic! Relatively cheap plastic at that! Of course, I am speaking of CatPeeler's amazing Daemons, which YOU-HAVE-TO-SEE! Check out those conversions here:
It almost makes me mad, because I wish I could make them, but they already exist! Maybe I can just use a little inspiration ...
Anyway, enjoy the links and hopefully, through the combined efforts of other bloggers, you can find those ideas and solutions for your army. Thanks to Raptor for providing me the curiousity and to Cannonfodder for the inspiring crushers and the link to the equally inpiring models Catpeeler is working on. Your feedback is always welcame and if YOU have a link to something that hits the 'Counts as nerve' leave it in the comments and contribute to this exchange of ideas!


  1. Actually, I just made a post about my counts-as Straken for my Mechanicus army over on my blog @

    Also, I recently started exodites, which can also be found on my page.

    Good post, keep up the great work man!

  2. I love those daemons conversions! Thanks for posting the links -- they're inspiring.

  3. Bloodletters on Velociraptors? You can't get more killy than that. Except with maybe adding rollerblades.

    Thanks for sharing.

  4. While the Cold Ones don't have the mass of the Bloodcrushers...the fact that you can get ten for about $75 goes a long, long ways towards fixing that sentiment.
