
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Nurgle Daemon Prince Basing complete!

I finished the base for my Nurgle Daemon Prince and I think it turned out rather well. I was worries that everything would be hard to get at with the brush and that it would be complicated, but it was actually very easy, especially coming from painting the model.
The camera flash took away some of the darkness from the mud and grit. It actually is pretty dark, which was why I opted for the glowing slime to add a little flash to the base without taking away from the model or going over the top. Let me know what you guys think!


  1. The model look great, very nice conversion, paint job and custom base!


  2. Great stuff. Love the toxic waste and your use of color/contrast

  3. Nice looking model mate. Loving the base too. :)

  4. Wow man!! Now that's a daemon prince I wouldn't want to have to face off against!! I've been following his construction and he now looks rad! Top Job!!
