
Friday, September 4, 2009

Ultraforge Greater Plague Daemon kit review

I purchased the Greater Plague Daemon model from Ultraforge last week and I am very pleased with what I got for my money!
First off, after handling the Forge World Greater Daemon of Nurgle and now owning this one, I must say that the level of detail in the Ultra Forge model is on par with its MUCH more expensive cousin. There are tiny maggots in many of the open wounds, there are bulging sores, pockmarks, broken blisters and of course, tons of entrails! It really is a beatiful model in a disgusting, Nurgly way!
The construction was incredibly easy. Everything is one solid peice except for the horns and the sword arm. Both the horns and the sword arm fit perfectly as they should with a model of this grade. Even better was the fact that I got all the releasing agent off with only one short soak in dawn dish soap and water. There was not a bit of flash and not a single mold line on this model either. It is a perfect cast.
Sizewise, it is about as tall as a dreadnought, maybe a little taller and it is about as big around as a 60mm monstrous creature base, making it an imposing model, but not so big that it is off-scale with your 40k force.
Overall, I think this model is MUCH better looking than the current Games Workshop Greater Daemon of Nurgle, which, in my opinion is the worst looking model in the daemons line and with a price of only $69.99 versus the $50 GW wants, I would happily put my money on this model.
Now the potential downside: It is not a GW legal model for tournaments, so you may want to have your Greater Madam Trash Heap (randon Fraggle Rock reference) on standby, but for me, I play Chaos Space Marines, so I wouldn't take this model in a tourney situation anyway, but for friendly pick-up games, it is a good model to turn a few heads and have some fun! As always feel free to comment!

1 comment:

  1. Good review. I'm going to be purchasing the 'tree-woman' from their site for my tree man ancient.
