
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Captain Obvious joins Dark Future games!

Allow me to be the first to welcome my friend Patrick AKA Captain Obvious to Dark Future Games as our local Dark Eldar and Black Templar expert (rejoice all ye fans of Altar boys and Bondage wearing elves).
I am going to go ahead and issue a disclaimer for those of you who may be a little sensitive. The Capitan can be a little blunt at times and downright nasty the rest of the time. I promise to do my best to keep him in check and he promised not to post when he is (too) drunk. All kidding aside, it's nice to have him on the team and I look forward to seeing what kind of stuff he comes up with. He is probably has the best record of any Black Templar player I know of in our area and he is the only Dark Eldar player around (though he is pretty good with them too), so his indight here may be helpful to folks who play as or against these two armies.
In addition to tactics, Obvious is also a pretty accomplished painter, currently working on his Black Templar showcase army which has been featured on this blog before. Someday when he is not too busy staring at his witches, he might actually start painting his Dark Eldar as well, but we'll see. Keep your eye out for C.O. and feel free to welcome him to the Dark Future!

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