
Friday, August 21, 2009

New Tyranid Codex rumours! Let's speculate!

With new rumours of a Tyranids codex on its way and with the author being Robin Cruddace, the author of the recent IG book, I would like to open the floor for some speculation and discussion.
First, Lets establish what the current reliable rumours are:
Plastic Hive Tyrant will come with wings (cool and self-explanitory) A new creature that dwarfs the Carnifex Four new species of tyranids The return of Tyranid Characters Tyranids improved to contend with tanks .
I would like to address the Nids ability to deal with Mech armies. Do you think the improvements will likely come from upgrades to old codex bugs, like the biovore or a crazy weapon upgrade to the Carny or maybe a psychic power that could rock a Land Raider? Could it be the job of some of the new creatures? Do you think the bugs NEED more AT? Will it come in shooting or assault weapon form? Let me know what you think or what you think Nids need!
Alright, I think it is safe to say the BoLS guys have busted the huge creature as the plastic Trygon, which, judging from photos, I would agree. I think this would also be one of the four new species. As for three others, is there anything you Tyranid players out there and fluff enthusiasts know of that exists in the fiction, but not on the table that could actually be interpreted into 40k rules? Feel free to offer your opinions on what it may be or what the nids need here.
Finally, I must say that it isn't suprising to see that there will be special-type character bugs added to the dex as it would move their codex into line with the hero hammer theme of the Space Marine and Guard codexes. Maybe there will be a Brood lordish character (perhaps a Magus), who can add rules for an outflanking army of genestealers followed by a drop pod assault style deep striking of bug units or something that allows for squadrons of carnifexes (if the Russ can do it why not). Bug players, what do you expect and what would you like?
Obviosly by now you can tell I am not a bug player, but I have seen less and less of them the last year or so and would like to see them hit the table with new miniatures for the 40k universe and a codex that will allow Nid players to make diverse and different armies for the table. As always, SOUND OFF!


  1. whatever else they do, I hope they buff the ranged anti-tank abilities of the 'nids. You can shake up vehicles with the Carnifex Venom Cannon, but no pens. Otherwise, it's an S8, BS2-3 large blast to try to hurt vehicles, and that's just not that useful.

    I'd expect some carifex upgrades, and maybe new guns for Warriors and Tyrants. Hopefully, though, there's more stuff, and perhaps a change to the Biovore.

    Any way you cut it, if the guy doing the IG codex is doing 'nids, hopefully we'll end up with a more versatile codex.

    I like the 'nids, between their fluff and sculpts, but they just have issues on the tabletop. I could also really deal with a transport monstrous creature, or something similar.

  2. that trygon is an old model from FW, sorry.

  3. There are/were(?) plenty of creatures in the epic 'Nid army that would undoubtedly be of use to 40k players (the Trygon being one) but perhaps they're all too big for GW releases.

    Someone mentioned that the Trygon model (pictured) is a FW product (I must have missed that one) and I'm pretty sure they do a Harridan too.

    Perhaps a slightly reworked - and for 'reworked' read 'scaled down'- Exocrine, could provide some AT support; but what I'd really like to see (to the extent that it might bring me back to the 40k fold) would be the good old Genestealer Cult.

    Yes I'm one of those annoying 'old school' gamers who always prattles on about bringing back the Squats and such like - but would it really be so hard to produce a mini 'sub-codex' (like assassins?) for the coolest army on the block? Heck if they brought back hybrids and mind slaves, there'd be nothing stopping you fielding las cannons!

    On the subject of specialist armies (but slightly off topic regarding Nids) does anybody know if it's still possible to feild a Harlequin Troupe, or are the Eldar limited to standard and aspect armies?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi, I'm a bug player just back from a "for fun" tag tournament (2 player per side, 1500pt each so 3K vs 3K) that some of my friends organized and my squad was 'Nids + other 'Nids and, well, how can I say it...
    I usually use Zoathropes'Warp Blast as AT, but is unpratical, short ranger and useless when Eldrad is in play
    Biovores need a lot of work too; I have 3 of them and use none (it was quite hard to convince me they are worthless with courrent rules, but at last they succeded)
    I would love any return of Magus and GS Cult in any form...well maybe not the limo, but I hope for some "Lovecraftian/Cthulhu themes" that i think fit well with Tyranids
    So some new Hibrid or "Legendary creature" characters would be a great improve of the actual bugs

  6. Actually if you compare the heads of the Trygon in the picture and the one on FW's website, it's obvious they are from two completely different kits. FW isn't known for including options seeing how they like to charge extra for titan wepaon arms and all. Also GW has officially announced that they will be releasing no less than 3 new plastic kits and 3 new metal models for the new 'Nid codex.

    Based on the amount of rumors and the fact that GW has removed Gargoyle set 1 from their website I feel it's a safe bet that 1 of the new plastic kits will be gargoyles. The trygon has been mentioned more times than anything else and makes the most sense as the second plastic kit even if it counts as the tyranid "super heavy kit".I also think seeing how the current Hive Tyrant model is so awesome and practically new by GW standards (look at the old Space Wolf Ragnar and Ulrik models in current circulation), the 3rd plastic kit will likely be an "upgrade" pack similar to the one for Black Templars and Dark Angels. It would make more sense to make a kit like this to include all the previously unreleased options for the current models and possibly include the new biomorphs if any are on the horizon. I had heard that the Malanthorpe will possibly be a new HQ choice and will likely be one of the metal kits. Other than those I have not heard anything else past the usual wishlisting.

  7. I have seemed to overlook the fact that none of the previous posts had said it but Codex Tyrnaids has been officailly announced for release in January 2010. This link has the announcement and the new codex cover.

  8. I have heard of cheaper gaunts, which is awesome cause i personally believe that hormies are a little too overpriced. Recently i did some warrior mutations on paper and they came out to be 36 and 41 points respectively! thats a lot of points for something with a 4+ save, that i had to purchase. some models need to be cheaper (hormies and warriors, maybe even rippers and raveners) and a little customization on some others would be nice. Plus GW put up old one-eye and the red terror in the heavy and hast-attack sections on their site so we're probably gonna get their rules as special characters. Nids definitely need more anti-tank. getting close enough is troublesome without having your bugs being torn to shreds because THEY DON'T HAVE INVULNERABLE SAVES! I think the warpfield psychic power should at least give the invul save of a daemon, i.e. 4+, is that too much to ask? the only invul save in the nid army is decent at least.

  9. It seems that GW has removed the Gaunts from the online store as well and speculation leans toward them splitting up the box into 2 seperate boxes 1 for Termagaunts and their variants and 1 for Hormagaunts. This can be good thing assuming they don't charge us too much for a smaller box set. But knowing GW they will likely charge around $25 for 12 of either type of Gaunt, that'd be my guess. Also to add within those 3 new plastic kits and 3 new metal models 4 of them are supposed to be ALL NEW Tyranid species (ie, not seen in a GW codex before).

  10. Count the ribs on the yellow and black trygon and on the forge world one.

  11. Tell us how exactly does the number of ribs tell you either way if it is a FW trygon or a plastic trygon?

    Aside from the fact that has pictures of another Trygon that has an even different head than the one depicted here and the one in FW's kit. I think if you look at the different parts like the tail tip, and the position of the body as well as the small spike like protrusions on the torso that should be enough to imply that they are from TWO DIFFERENT kits.

  12. I would love to see a plastic gar creature for nids to come out, but its likely the trygons in pictures have been converted as the players using them heavily convert their models. I would love to see it become a reality though.

  13. WHAT DID I TELL U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. It has been said that the trygon pictured above and I quote Brimstone from Warseer on this one! that both trygons pictured on warseer which includes the above pic are RESIN MASTER MODELS for the new plastic one. Which stills proves my point that they are different kits.
