
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Finished Iron Warriors Obliterator!!

I am in a bit of a painting fever after the Plague Champion and I started on my oblitz today. I already had them modelled mostly like the one here, so Nurgle was out of the question. Originally, I planned to go Black Legion with them, but I think it has been done too much and I decided to pay homage to the Iron Warriors, the kings of heavy support (as are the oblitz these days).
This model was my test model and I am very pleased with how it turned out. I started by messily drybrushing all the flesh parts red and all the other surface areas codex grey. Next I painted the trim work and some weapons Tin Bitz. Then I washed the entire model Badab Black, which gives the whole model a kind of graphic novel look. Then I hit the broad metal areas with boltgun, the flesh parts with FolkArt colors plum Purple and Baby Pink and highlighted the Trim with Folk Art shades of metallic sierra Gold and Aztec Gold.
I look forward to painting 3 more of these over the weekend. As always, feel free to comment.


  1. I think he turned out pretty well. The flesh looks wicked, and there's nothing wrong with an Iron Warriors nod.

    Modelling-wise, I'm a bit amused at all the metal ones still having ballistic weapons, but I do dig your head swap. I was never fond of the big, burly, fleshy melted head. Hell, I'm not fond of any marine without a helmet; why would you wear something like Terminator Armor (and better yet, carry a storm shield) and then remove your helmet to invite snipers?

  2. Thanks man, I just finished 3 more and I will post them soon ...

  3. Very nice, I like how you did the flesh, very different from the conventional colours...
