
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Combat Patrol hitting Lansing MI

As part of an upcoming campaign, there will be a 400pt game coming to Evolution Games Sept 6.
The lists must include one troop choice, there is no HQ requirement, but you may only take one if you choose to at all.
The 'WYSIWYG' rule is in place.
No model may have more than 2 wounds and no model may have better than a 3+ save. There will be no Special, Unique or named characters.
There will be no vehicle with an armour total greater than 33 (ie, front + Side + Rear = no greater than 33).
All models must be painted Citadel Minis (up to 50% conversions allowed).
If any of you are going to be in the Lansing area, pop in and support it or if you think you may be able to get in on the campaign, get your typed list in by the 4th. Other than that, if you have any tips for an industrious CSM player going into a 400 point match with Guard, Orks ect, feel free to comment!!


  1. That sounds like fun but I will be picking up my brand new copy of space hulk that day in Ann Arbor. Plus I could pretty much only bring tac squads since they are all I have painted. My standard combat patrol list as have bikes and a razorback.

    We are also having a Blood Bowl Tourny down in Ypsilanti the next weekend Sept 12-13. If you know any blood bowl players up in Lansing let them know.

  2. Will do, I have a buddy who plays Blood Bowl and may be interested.

  3. Thanks for that and for adding me to your blog list. I returned the favor. Glad to here you found some good gamers up here in michigan after your move.

  4. Not a problem, the San Antonio folks can't be the only area dominating the boards.
