
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Reminder Hoarders! Time to Trade Models and Bitz!

CVinton just doing a repost:

Have an army you need to get off your back? How about just a ton of bitz or even a sprue of two? Live within a hundred miles of Lansing, MI? Next Wednesday, June 22, is Bitz Trading night starting at 6 p.m. at Evolution Games in Lansing MI.

We haven't had a good trading night since before Adepticon and it is time to clean out the closets for some of us and time to fill them for others! I for one have a long rifle case that is perfect for infantry, a tub of Ork parts, a tub of Space Marine bitz and models, maybe some Tyranids and tons more, so if anything, you'll be able to score from me. What do I like? Chaos and Marine Stuff, Skulls, anything gruesome and rare and OOP stuff as well - so let's make a deal!

Anybody else have plans to move some stuff on the 22nd? I will see you there!


  1. Ah good I should be able to make it. I will have Eldar bits galoer to trade.

    I will be seeking models and bitz to build up Da Boyz :-)

  2. Is Evo cool with selling whole models? I have a ton of Blood Angels to sell. (Or is it just trade?)

  3. They're usually fine with it. We sell bits and have sold larger. Stop by, bring an army to play too. I can post up the list you sent us if you'd like or you can put in a comment what you have so people can have a heads up.

    I'm glad that this time there is a warning and not just me randomly dropping into the store to find that its bitz day. Gadget incoming!

  4. HAHA! I beat you to, CV, and yes Muggins, bitz trading is great for moving armies for cash as well. I sold a huge portion of one of the "Anymarines" armies that had come into my possession last year. I then re-invested that into a Warmaster army, a bunch of bitz for CSM and then traded a bunch of random weapons for somebody else's random weapons! I love bitz trading!

  5. Evolution is about 70 minutes from me so getting far just to go at random.

    I have a bunch of stuff available:

    But would want Blood Bowl, Epic, or Cash in return.

  6. Dang makes me wish I was heading back home to MI this next week instead of in July!

  7. You guys have no idea how much I wish I lived closer for this...

    Maybe I need to find some excuse to vacation up in Lansing... Wonder if the wife would go for it.

  8. Get stuff going in your area, man. It didn't exist here until Farseer Re-rolls started it. The first one is great too, because that's where the crazy stuff comes.out.

  9. I hope to make it up. I helped organize one of these about 10 years ago at the Fortress and I've meaning to try and do another but just showing up is even easier!

  10. Let everyone at the fortress know, you guys are all welcome (obviously, I hope! :p). The more bitz traders the better!!

  11. great turnout, I'm glad people got to rid of some stuff they weren't interested in and get some items that they were.

  12. Thanks to everyone who came out last night! We had a great time trading and selling bits and models. I know I grabbed quite a bit of stuff, grudgingly traded some other bits and even sold some stuff I hope to see on the other side of the table soon. There were a couple of crazy deals that went down and I am jealous as hell, but that's what bits trading is all about!
