
Places We Shop

This Ultramarine vs Khorne Lord is from Mr. Justin's User gallery and the snow is made from the crushed glass sold at Secret Weapon Minis, listed below!
If you have hung around Dark Future Games long enough, then you know we are fans of resin bases, conversion bits from various small companies and alternatives to GW models and models you can't find from GW (because they haven't made them yet).
That being said, here are some links to some great companies who supply the items mentioned above and in some cases, more than that! Either one of the authors or somebody we know has ordered parts or models from each of these businesses and have been pleased and we think you will be too.
In no particular order:

Dropzone Games, the Hobby Mecca of the US

Ironheart Artisans - Bases, Templates, Custom Casting and More! Our First 5 Star Review!

Puppetswar - Great minis

Hi Tech Miniatures - Great Terminator Alternatives and Walkers also great AdMech stuff
Paulson Games(GW alternative models and conversion parts)
Mr. Dandy (home of the famed Battlewolves and spore pods)
Ultraforge (home to the best Daemon Alternatives and a great set of resin wings)
Dragon Forge Designs (some of the best Bases)
Chapterhouse Studios (awesome Space Marine Bits, alternative models and more)
Secret Weapon (Mr. Justin's Premium Bases and Conversion bits - Absolutley Amazing)

Greenman Designs: Templates and Wreck Markers and Much More!